As we told you a couple of weeks go, Grant Morrison and Rags Morales are getting an extra issue to finish his run on Action Comics, with Andy Diggle and Tony Daniel's first issue delayed a month We wrote;
So expect some kind of retro solicitation to come down the pipe Once they've worked out exactly[...]
andy diggle Archives
Although Andy Diggle and Tony S Daniel are lined up to start their Action Comics run with issue 18, I understand that Grant Morrison and Rags Morales will need one more issue to finish their story Which means Diggle and Daniel's debut will be delayed to April and issue 19.
So expect some kind of retro[...]
Here is a shot that a nice retailer sent me…
And with a number of stores being shorted on copies, this year's CBLDF Liberty Annual 2012, also featuring work from Jonathan Hickman, Andy Diggle, Ben Templesmith, Howard Chaykin, James Robinson, CHris Roberson, Roger Langridge, Terry Moore, Kieron Gillen and so many more, maybe in even greater[...]
We said how his would be Andy Diggle's week, and so it seems to be His first Doctor Who comic out, a character with his name appearing in the new Arrow TV show, getting Action Comics from Grant Morrison and signing for Dynamite's new crime line.
We thought that might be enough Seems not.
It was announced[...]
Andy Diggle, editor of 2000AD, writer for Daredevil, Hellblazer, Thunderbolts, Green Arrow, Six Guns and co-creator of The Losers, is going to have quite the time this week.
Not only is there a character named after him in the new Arrow TV show, but he's coming to NYCC to sign all those copies of Doctor Who[...]
Bleeding Cool already ran the news that Andy Diggle was to take over Action Comics as writer after Grant Morrison's departure with issue 17 But who will join him as artist?
Turns out it's Tony S Daniel, recently seen on Detective Comics and Justice League I'm told by DC sources that he's switching to art-only for[...]
Incoherent Boy reported from Singapore Comic Con; Unfortunately, due to non-disclosure agreements, Diggle wasn’t able to say much about his three upcoming
There was still the palatable nutsy rage but without the sexual or abusive language.
UnicornWatch: The Financial Times compares Dredd to Blade Runner.
The slow-mo moments in Dredd – imagined by the screenwriter Alex Garland and realised by cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle – aspire to the bluesy melancholy of the sequence when Joanna Cassidy as the doomed[...]
Then Andy Diggle tweeted the following;
So I just landed the biggest job of my career #terrified
And suddenly I started hearing Andy's name associated with the comic Other names were thrown into the mix, some which sounded more likely than a writer who had shown disdain for writing superheroes in the past But this weekend they[...]
Andy Diggle and Mark Buckingham's Doctor Who, scheduled with a new issue 1 for September from IDW And one of the covers appears to be a make-your-own-TARDIS model But who would cut up their comic to do such a thing?
Naturally there's the Star Trek Next Gen/Doctor Who crossover going on
And the police scanner that Hope is using to monitor criminal activity.
The Isotope Bank And Trust, 326 Fell Street?
A quick trip to Google reveals that in San Francisco, the bay of which the scene is set, on 326 Fell Street at Gough Street you'll actually find the famous Isotope comic store.
Clearly the Serpent Society were[...]
I'll be having a go myself.
Well, to celebrate that, here's news of Andy Diggle and Jock's Snapshot comic book announced at last year's Kapow.
As planned, it will run first in Judge Dredd Megazine instead, ten pages a month, in the slot previously filled by Mills and Lengley's American Reaper and Si Spurrier and PJ Holden's[...]
Announced at the London Super Comic Convention today, by IDW, Andy Diggle and Mark Buckingham will be creating the first arc of the new Doctor Who series together, for later this year How it will get to the UK is a different matter, as IDw don't own the comic license for Doctor Who in the[...]
And Gail Simone has been round the Leeds City Centre shops looking for a Dalek.
It can only be the launch of what many consider Britain's best comic convention, Thought Bubble.
This weekend, as part of the Leeds Sequential Arts Festival running right now, the city will host a comic convention dedicated to style.
Add Jeff Lemire, Adam[...]
In Comic Book Resources' regular conversation with Tom Brevoort on Friday, he talked about Andy Diggle and Davide Gianfelice's new Western series for Marvel, Six Guns, described as "taking the names of some of the classic Marvel western characters and reimagining them as new modern day characters… a contemporary action-adventure thriller set within the Marvel[...]
Did you miss me? No?
LoserWatch: Andy Diggle goes off The Losers a bit.
The dust still hasn't settled on exactly how I feel about that, some stuff I love about it, and there's some stuff that's cringeworthy… They got a fantastic cast for The Losers, they really cast for the part… I'm still very conflicted[...]
In this issue it's the Avengers, the New Avengers, and Clint Barton, Hawkeye in particular, that he specifically decides he has to deal with.
"There's the pestilential nuisances who write for autographs– All people who have flabby hands and irritating laughs–"
Sounds like any comics convention to me, Anyway, Dark Reign: The List – Daredevil by Andy[...]