Anorak's Quest Archives

'Ready Player One' Releases 'Dreamer' Trailer, Yes There's Some New Footage
Get advance tickets now: — Ready Player One (@readyplayerone) March 15, 2018 In that trailer, you get another voiceover of Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan) talking to himself, going over what apparently is the film version of Anorak's Quest quatrain clue that Gunters follow with the hopes of finding the three keys.  Once collected and challenges[...]
New Ready Player One Trailer Is a Basket of Easter Eggs for Fans
The final prize at the end of Anorak's Quest Parzival gets the first key, the copper key from Anorak King Kong makes a brief appearance on top of the Empire State building. Art3mis on her Akira bike, which happens to have a WonderWoman logo on it Blanka from Street Fighter right behind Art3mis and that bartender[...]