camden Archives

Mega-City Comics Bought By Forbidden Planet
Last year, Bleeding Cool reported the news that the longstanding London comic book store of 44 years, Mega City Comics in Camden would be closing after the owner Martin Kravetz retired We then heard it would be continuing under new ownership And now we know how Mega City Comics at 18 Inverness Street in Camden[...]
Mega City Comics
One of the UK's oldest comic book stores, Mega City Comics, was established by Martin Kravetz in 1981 when he was still at university, initially as a mail-order business, before opening a physical store in Camden in 1987, where it has stood as a cultural landmark since But after this year, it will be no[...]
Anyone Want to See "We Can Be Heroes" in Camden This Week?
We Can Be Heroes, as part of the Camden Fringe. If you want to join me tonight for its premiere, or go on the next couple of nights, you can pick up a ticket here We Can Be Heroes (Camden Fringe) Lion and Unicorn Theatre, 42-44 Gaisford St, Kentish Town, London, NW5 2ED Mon 12th Aug – Wed 14th[...]
Drag Race
In addition to that, we also see more of Lady Camden in this preview than we've seen all season so far, and no, we're not just talking about her sparkle panties, which she wore in case of lip-syncing Honestly, I need one of those glass cabinets in the office with a pair of sparkle panties[...]
London's Cereal Killer Cafe in Shoreditch, Camden Permanently Close
We saw a performance of A Comedy About A Bank Robbery in the West End for £11 each in a half-empty theatre and then went to an eerily empty Camden for her favourite restaurant, the Cereal Killer Cafe Looking back, even going out with hand santisier and keeping our distance, it was a risk but[...]