civil war Archives

Mindless Speculation: What Marvel DIDN'T Announce at NYCC
What we are all thinking is a sequel to the modern classic of event comics, Civil War. It makes sense Marvel are all about synergy between Marvel comics and Marvel Cinematic Universe, so with the latter releasing a movie sharing a title and several major plot points with the comic, it makes sense to put out[...]
Marvel To Publish Civil War 2 In Spring 2016
Next year sees Captain America: Civil War. We've just had a revival of Civil War under the Secret Wars event. It's not enough. Retailer Ryan Higgins, of Californian comic store Comics Conspiracy got a postcard from Marvel. So that's Civil War 2 coming in the Spring of 2016, with Tony Stark fighting the new Captain America… Unless it's Doctor Doom under[...]
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 20th September 2015 – Tokyo Ghosted
 Civil War trades have exploded and we have seen a surge for Johnny the Homicidal Maniac take center stage. Terrible week for sales and next week looks like it might end up even worse Secret Wars fatigue is in full swing and people just seem to hate DC. Sex Criminals is our #2 seller of the week,[...]
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 13th September 2015 – Shattered Top Ten
Civil War #4 5 Walking Dead #146 6 Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #5 7 Harley Quinn Road Trip Special 8 A-Force #4 9 Planet Hulk #5 10 Outcast #12 Thanks to the following retailers Graham Crackers Comics of Illinois Dr No's Comics & Games Superstore of Marietta, Georgia G-Mart Comic Books of Champaign, Illinois Fat Jack's Comicrypt of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Rodman Comics of Ankeny, Iowa Jesse James Comics of Glendale, Arizona Comickaze Comics Books and[...]
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 30th August 2015 – We Can Never Go Home, Old Man
Civil War #3 5 Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #4 6 Fight Club 2 #4 7 X-Men '92 #3 8 Superman #43 9 Flash #43 10 We Can Never Go Home #4 Thanks to the following retailers, Rodman Comics of Ankeny, Iowa Jetpack Comics of Rochester, New York G-Mart Comic Books of Champaign, Illinois Yesteryear Comics of San Diego, California Dr No's Comics & Games Superstore of Marietta, Georgia Fat Jack's Comicrypt of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Jesse James[...]
Will Captain America: Civil War Death Rumour See History Repeat? (SPOILERS)
***WARNING*** This article refers to possible spoilers regarding the Captain America: Civil War movie that have been prominent of late Read on, knowing this. The death of Black Goliath in the Civil War comic at the hands of Clor back in 2006 caused considerable controversy, for its time Promoted as a major death, it was seen[...]
Marvel Collects Civil War In A $500 Box Set And Reprints The Civil War Hardcover
Ahead of the release of the next Captain America movie, Civil War, Marvel are putting all the Civil War collections back into print next year Including the Civil War Hardcover which had been fetching $130 on Amazon and other titles had had similar rises. Civil War HC Civil War: Fantastic Four TPB Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways TPB Civil[...]
Last Week's Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 16th July 2015
Civil War #1 5 Age of Apocalypse #1 6 Walking Dead #144 7 Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #2 8 Saga #30 9 Archie #1 10 Invader Zim #1 Thanks to the following stores Dr No's Comics & Games Superstore of Marietta, Georgia Jetpack Comics of Rochester, New York Fat Jack's Comicrypt of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Yesteryear Comics of San Diego, California Rodman Comics of Ankeny, Who had this to say, Not a bad week[...]