dark horse comics Archives

Booze Geek – Right Hand Of Doom Ale & Hellboy, Hellboy, And More Hellboy
Actually, there was nothing truly revolting about this beer, other than what I paid for shipping. Rogue Ales has teamed with Dark Horse Comics to celebrate 21 years of Mike Mignola's signature creation, Hellboy It came complete with a new Hellboy drawing, wielding an axe and wearing his trademark battle damaged coat, by Mignola adorned on[...]
Dark Horse Is Releasing 700 Page Astro Boy Omnibus This September, With More To Follow
Calling all fans of Astro Boy! This September will bring the release of Osamu Tezuka's beloved Astro Boy in a whopping seven hundred-page omnibus! Dark Horse Comics will release Astro Boy Omnibus Volume 1, and it will feature Astro Boy's jet-powered, evil-bashing adventures The omnibus will collect rare and out-of-print material sure to please fans[...]
Archie Vs. Predator #2 Variant Covers By Robert Hack And Dustin Nguyen Revealed
Dark Horse Comics reveal two variant covers for Archie Vs Predator #2 for us this morning, and they stem from the minds of Robert Hack and Dustin Nguyen no less The first issue of the comic, which arrives April 15th, has already been announced to have variant covers by Eric Powell and Francesco Francavilla The[...]
The ComicsPRO Prometheus Variant Revealed – Plus Kelly Sue DeConnick In Q&A
But ahead of that event, Dark Horse Comics have kindly granted us a glimpse of their special ComicsPRO variant for Prometheus: Fire and Stone "Omega", by artist Valentine De Landro, who also collaborates with Omega's writer Kelly Sue DeConnick on Bitch Planet. We've also had the opportunity to do a Q & A with writer of[...]
Finding The Balance Between Housewife And Lady Killer In Issue #2
[The Second Printing cover for sold-out #2] Lady Killer #2 from Dark Horse Comics, written by Joelle Jones and Jamie S Rich, with art by Joelle Jones may be one of my favorite new releases over the past few months I enjoyed issue #1, but really connected with main character Josie in this months issue For[...]
Critically Acclaimed Web Series, Bowery Boys Will Be Collected In Hardcover
Dark Horse Comics is releasing a hardcover collection of the acclaimed web series Bowery Boys: Our Fathers, this August The stunning collection will contain the first five seasons of the web series, written by Cory Levine, with art by Ian Bertram (Detective Comics, Batman Eternal) and Brent McKee (Outlaw Territory) Bowery Boys: Our Fathers is[...]
Bleeding Cool's 11 Best Graphic Novels Of 2014
4: The Magician from Dark Horse Comics, written and illustrated by Matt Kindt with "Dream Job" colors by Sharlene Kindt Just like last year, we are hard-pressed to choose between multiple volumes of Mind MGMT that were released this year, since both challenge our expectation of the comics medium, create new ways to examine characterization in[...]
Hankering For A Double Dose Of Horror? Preview Colder: The Bad Seed #3 And #4
Let's hope you've been paying attention to the return of Colder in Colder: The Bad Seed by Paul Tobin and Juan Ferreyra, from Dark Horse Comics Well, you might have been sleeping better at night if you haven't, since a comic concept that started out strong in its first arc has gotten downright terrifying in[...]