At ComicsPRO, F1rst Comics/Devil's Due teased a new fantasy comic book series for 2017 by Bill Willingham, his first since the end of Fables - but without
Diamond Comics Archives
Courtesy of Diamond Daily,the daily retailer newsletter. there are a few ComicsPRO announcements which didn't make it to Bleeding Cool's 52 Story List...
And bound to be more to come out later in the week…
Full house at the Diamond Comics Q&A at @comicspro annual meeting
— Matthew Price (@nerdage) February 16, 2017
State Of The Industry
More Comics And Graphic Novels Sold In Comic Stores In 2016 Than In 2015, ComicsPRO Attendees Told By Diamond
ComicsPRO Meeting, The Industry Equivalent Of[...]
We ran the text of the ComicsPRO keynote speech from Ross Richie, publisher and founder of BOOM! Studios earlier today. Well, because we've all been good
We mentioned the other week that Titan Comics were publishing the European adaptation of the Millenium Trilogy starting with The Girl With The Dragon
Titan Comics and Games Workshop have announced a new comic book series, Blood Bowl: More Guts, More Glory, at ComicsPRO, based on the runaway board game
At ComicsPRO in Memphis, Tennesse, they announced the next round of theu=ir SQUARE ONE $1 first issues and $10 TPBsSQUARE ONE $1 first issues in stores
Titan Comics announced at ComicsPRO today they will be publishing Fabien Nury and Thierry Robin's graphic novel, The Death Of Stalin in English, which was
Diamond Comic Distributors has announced the nominees for their Best Practice Awards Summer 2016 for comic book retailers, in the categories of Best Toys
It's a hard game, comic book distribution, sending a product that created to be throwaway around the world to customers who demand pristine
There was a time when Steve Geppi looked like he might be made bankrupt. But that was before The Walking Dead became the monster hit it did. When the
America has weather again, it seems. And so, because of a severe winter storm, Diamond Comic Distributor's Home Office in Hunt Valley, Maryland is closed
Though one could speculate that it's Diamond Comics Distributor of Timonium, Maryland.
At this point a meeting of creditors is scheduled for 3/6/2014.
As we noted earlier something was up but now is reporting that Meyers & Sons Mail Order Comics, Inc of Omaha Nebraska has filed for bankruptcy on January 28th 2014[...]
Tick, tick, tick... This is the last day you can order Bleeding Cool Magazine and actually be sure to get it. It costs $1.49 for the Preview #0 issue.
The new benchmark figures for Diamond Comics Distributors that changed the market overnight Marvel dropping F-Bombs in kiddy comics Valiant suing Jim Shooter from both sides of the suit And the publisher of Yaoi Press being arrested for drugs offences.
Creative stories such as JMS was leaving Thor, Bendis and Fraction bringing us an X-Men/New Avengers[...]