Elder Scrolls: Blades is a "console quality" RPG set in the Elder Scrolls universe designed specifically for mobile devices with swipe controls for both melee and magic combat in first person Like the original Elder Scrolls games, it includes both hand-crafted and procedurally generated dungeons.
And of course you can create your own character, with proper leveling and[...]
Elder Scrolls Archives
Elder Scrolls: Legends is receiving a relaunch courtesy of the folks at Bethesda later this year, and it's being ported to the Nintendo Switch, the Xbox One, and the Playstation 4.
This came in after the Rage 2 segment and trailer and was actually the first Elder Scrolls property they showed a trailer for, even though they had already mentioned Somerset.
Elder Scrolls:[...]
In a recent interview with IGN, Bethesda's Pete Hines has confirmed that Elder Scrolls: Legends will be swapping development teams The original dev team at Dire Wolf Digital will be transitioned off the project and replaced with Sparkypants Studios, the developers of Dropzone According to the interview with Hines, Sparkypants has been "developing this new version of Legends for months[...]
The new dungeons and trials are well worth your time and present a definite challenge — I might have died epically in the midst of exploring a few because the public test server dungeon finder isn't always reliable, and I do have a distressing tendency to go run into fights I can't win, especially in[...]
The Houses of Morrowind expansion for Elder Scrolls Legends requires you to re-learn the game thanks to the many changes it brings with it Bethesda have managed to predict this by adding some new tools for players – specifically, a new set of puzzles designed to show you exactly how to play with the new[...]
In an attempt to continue cashing in on Morrowind nostalgia, Bethesda is bringing the Great Houses of Vvardenfell into Elder Scrolls Legends, which includes the traditional Three Great Houses of Hlaalu, Redoran, and Telvanni, as well as House Dagoth, and even the Tribunal Temple, which you might notice is not one of the Great Houses.
The official description[...]
Bethesda has finally outlined the early access process for the Morrowind expansion of Elder Scrolls Online Players who purchase the digital upgrade version of the upcoming expansion are eligible to start playing on May 22nd.
While in early access, players can start exploring the entirety of the game, including 2 new houses available for purchase in Vvardenfell:[...]
Bethesda's Morrwind expansion for The Elder Scrolls Online got a gameplay trailer this morning While the cinematic trailer and the Super Bowl spot gave us the hype needed to be excited about the expansion, there's something much more comfortable about having the gameplay footage Sure, it's still dramatic with quick cuts and long panning character shots,[...]
Watching Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind's new trailer during the Super Bowl was a rather simple experience for me I saw the trailer, went, 'ah yes some of that's familiar' and wrote a short post But while I was typing furiously away at my keyboard to get the article out, I got a few messages from[...]
The latest expansion for Bethesda's Elder Scrolls Online, Morrowind got itself a nice 1-minute Super Bowl slot For those who missed it, myself included (I don't sports), Bethesda tweeted about an extended version of the spot which is mostly just the cinematic trailer they debuted earlier this week, which you can find me talking about here.
The Super Bowl ad is[...]
Bethesda Softworks' Elder Scrolls Online will be getting a major new update in June of 2017 Players will be able to enter Morrowind's Vvardenfell island for over 30 hours of adventure The update will also include a new player class, a new PvP mode, a new Trial (a twelve-player dungeon), among others.
The Elder Scrolls Online:[...]
While Skyrim is almost undoubtedly the most popular Elder Scrolls mainline game, it is far from the most unamiously loved From newer entries, Morrowind and Oblivion both have their defenders too.
While there is no news on Morrowind sadly, it's been revealed that Oblivion is getting the backwards compatable treatment on Xbox One It's been added to[...]
There was a bit of a tiff between Bethesda and Sony over Skyrim: Special Edition when it came to mods. First Bethesda announced that Sony and them hadn't
However, here is one bit I didn't expect to hear.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, presumably the upcoming remaster, was a big part of the reveal video, but weirdly it seems that it isn't confirmed for the system A Bethesda spokesperson told GamesIndustry.biz, that while they enjoyed working with Nintendo on the video, it doesn't mean[...]
There was a public statement put out by Bethesda not long ago that the company and Sony hadn't been able to figure out mods on the console, and that it
I wrote about a Skyrim concert the other day which is coming to London. I'm pretty excited about it since that music is so dense, it will be a real treat
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim's soundtrack is one of the best soundtracks from the last couple of years It has a lot of depth and variety, and if you find the full version, seeing just how much music was put together for that game is staggering.
Well, if you are London based and wanted to catch the[...]
It's been a leaky ship on the S.S. Games Industry in the run up to E3, as pretty concrete evidence has been building up over the last few days. This one
The future of video games is going to be an interesting thing to see play out. As the medium gets older, so will its audience, and I'm certain we will get
Personally, I prefer The Elder Scrolls over Fallout when it comes to Bethesda Softworks output Maybe it is just my love of the beautiful word over the desolate wastes, but the universe of Skyrim grabbed me much more than Fallout 3's personally.
But it seems I and many other fans are out of luck for quite[...]
Skyblivion is working to bring the world of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion into the engine of Skyrim, and the team of volunteers who are putting this together have done a pretty stellar job so far The group currently plan to bring as many quests as possible to the game too, meaning you'll have lots[...]
If you're one of the three people who don't own Skyrim on Steam, today is your lucky day. From now to Sunday, you can play the title for free on
I know I am not alone in trying out the Elder Scrolls Online beta, but never indulging in the full game While I genuinely enjoyed the mixture of classic Elder Scrolls gameplay and MMO infrastructure, the subscription model and initial buy-in was far to steep for me.
The game has now gone subscription free meaning a huge barrier[...]
So, I'm going to be interested to see what this does for the The Elder Scrolls Online's player base.
Today, the game's Tamriel Unlimited edition goes live For those of you who have forgotten, that's the version that does away with the pricey subscription model This is what many have claimed to be waiting for, so[...]