Harbinger Archives

Harbinger Wars II #4 Review: The Showdown of Livewire and X-O Manowar
On the ground, Ninja-K and Major Charlie Palmer have it out one last time. Harbinger Wars II #4 cover by J.G Jones and Brian Reber Harbinger Wars II comes to an end here, with a climactic battle between Livewire and X-O Manowar being the main event of the book The rest of the book is primarily characters[...]
Harbinger Wars II Prelude cover by Raul Allen and Patricia Martin
Meanwhile, a special ops team ambushes the psiots Livewire is hiding, and Amanda retaliates against the men that are holding her. Harbinger Wars II #1 Prelude cover by Raul Allen and Patricia Martin Harbinger Wars II #1 Prelude reminds me of the prologue issue to Marvel's original Civil War for a few reasons beyond the promise of[...]
Toyo Harada cover
He was an antagonist to their teenage superhero team, Harbinger, which consisted of characters like Zephyr, Livewire, Flamingo, Sting, and Stronghold However, he also founded Harbinger as a means of crafting a better tomorrow which he hoped to rule Harbigner members like Zephyr (Faith) and Livewire have made a major comeback in recent years Notably,[...]
Harbinger Wars 2 Begin, Plus Enroll in Valiant High: Valiant Entertainment May 2018 Solicits
Plus, Harbinger Wars 2 begins under creators Matt Kindt and Tomas Giorello All that, plus more from X-O Manowar, Ninja-K, Bloodshot Salvation, and more Details below. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ HARBINGER WARS 2 #1 (of 4) Written by MATT KINDT Art by TOMÁS GIORELLO Cover[...]
faith sweater thinkgeek
I decided on the Valiant Harbinger Unisex Sweater. What's nice about this is that it's not overtly nerdy You could get away with it on casual Fridays or nights out The stitching is tight, the material is heavy, and the colors work extremely well together. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px[...]
Report: Vin Diesel in Talks to Play Bloodshot in Valiant Movie Universe
Bloodshot, a comic book about a man with a red circle on his chest, is set to kick off the cinematic universe that will also include a movie based on the comic Harbinger. The movie is set to be R-Rated, with Valiant and Sony hoping to capture some of that Logan/Deadpool magic With Disney set to[...]
Harbinger Hops Over Bloodshot In Sony Film Line-Up
All the talk of a live-action Ninjak series may have found it's way to Sony as The Wrap says reports that the studio is moving up production on their five film deal that includes Harbinger and Bloodshot that would lead to a crossover film of Harbinger Wars. They say that Sony renewed their option on Harbinger[...]
A Look Inside Faith #1 From Hause, Portela And Sauvage
Featuring the breakout star of HARBINGER in her first-ever solo adventure. Orphaned at a young age, Faith Herbert – a psionically gifted "psiot" discovered by the Harbinger Foundation – has always aspired to greatness But now this once ordinary teenager is taking control of her destiny and becoming the hard-hitting hero she's always known she can[...]
Reading Valiant In Order, Month 3 –  X-O #3, Harbinger #2, Bloodshot #1
And that means X-O Manowar #3, Harbinger #2 and Bloodshot #1. Part One , Part Two X-O Manowar #3 by Robert Vendetti, Cary Nord, Stefano Guadiano, Moose Baumann It's the moment a kid picks up a gun and points it at his parents. It's Boo Boo the monkey with its finger on the nuclear button It's the surgeon about[...]
Book Of Death: The Fall Of Harbinger Leads Valiant September Solicitations
They include Book of Death: The Fall of Harbinger #1 and new story arcs for Bloodshot Reborn and Ivar, Timewalker. Book Of Death #3 (of 4) Written by Robert Venditti  Art by Robert Gill and Doug Braithwaite  Covers by Cary Nord, Clayton Crain, Stephen Segovia, Pere Perez and Paolo Rivera The force behind the fall of the Valiant Universe stands[...]
Valiant Heads To Atlantic City With Some Exclusive T-Shirts
They will be set up at booth #1105 and will be offering some ACBC 2015 exclusive t-shirts featuring Bloodshot, Harbinger Renegades and X-O Manowar. There will also be two Valiant panels The first, Valiant 101 on Friday at 1 PM introduces new readers to the Valiant Universe Then on Saturday at 2 PM the company talks[...]
Valiant Reveals Harbinger, Eternal Warrior, Archer & Armstrong and More? – FCBD Spoilers
Well, 2015 is no different and, fresh off the news of their Bloodshot/Harbinger/Harbinger Wars five picture plan at Sony, the publisher is releasing the Valiant 25th Anniversary Special into stores tomorrow… …and, surprise surprise, it's packed with some pretty good indicators of what we'll be seeing from them in the months to come… Spoilers on! First up, we[...]
Speculator Corner: Market Alert
Obviously the value of comics can go up as well as down. And down as well as up. And mostly down. But this is how things are currently looking... I do not
"So It Be Written, So It Be Done" – Valiant's Book Of Death
Valiant teased their Book of Death at Emerald City Con last weekend, they're doing more of it this weekend at Wondercon with images of Bloodshot, Ninjak, Harbinger and X-O Manowar in some rather deadly scenes Book of Death is Valiant's upcoming summer event. BOOK OF DEATH Falls on Bloodshot, Ninjak, Harbinger, and X-O Manowar | July 2015 THE[...]
Valiant To Kick Off 25th Anniversary Celebration On Free Comic Book Day
The company grew quickly, selling over 80 million copies of X-O Manowar, Bloodshot, Harbinger, Archer & Armstrong and Rai. Here we are two and a half decades later and it's time for Valiant to have a 25th Anniversary celebration A celebration of the heroes, villains and creators that have made Valiant what it is today[...]
Valiant Unleashes Quote Covers For One Dollar Debut Books
Next week Valiant will be putting out seven books in their One Dollar Debut line: Archer & Armstrong #1, Harbinger #1, Quantum and Woody #1, Rai #1, Unity #1, X-O Manowar #1 and The Valiant Universe Handbook The six first issues will all have new quote covers from the reviews of the books. Just think, a[...]
Gilbert Hernandez Covers Harbinger #25 For CBLDF As An SDCC Exclusive
Valiant, in a move to support the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF) is offering up the HARBINGER #25 SDCC Liberty Variant, a limited edition release of July's 48-page anniversary issue that features a brand new cover by Harvey Award-winning cartoonist Gilbert Hernandez (Love and Rockets, Marble Season, Sloth). Debuting this July exclusively at Comic-Con International[...]
Full Solicitations For Valiant October 2014
Don't miss the epilogue to Robert Venditti's galaxy spanning epic, ARMOR HUNTERS, in the book that will set a new status quo for all of your favorite heroes! Find out here as X-O MANOWAR, UNITY, BLOODSHOT, THE HARBINGER RENEGADES and many more forge a new frontline of defense for the people of Earth! $3.99 | T+[...]
Double Shot Preview – Harbinger #25 and Unity #9
The 48-page Harbinger #25 and the Armor Hunters tie-in Unity #9. HARBINGER #25 (ANNIVERSARY SPECTACULAR!) Written by Joshua Dysart with Vivek J Tiwary, Justin Jordan, Dan Goldman, and Lucy Knisley Art by Khari Evans with Lewis LaRosa, Rafer Roberts, Clayton Henry, Barry Kitson, and Lucy Knisley Covers by: Mico Suayan, Jenny Frison, Lucy Knisley, Sean Chen and Barry[...]
Joshua Dysart Thanks Fans For 2+ Years Of Harbinger
It wasn't surprising to me that when Valiant was being reborn, they turned to Josh and handed him Harbinger to run with. Issue twenty-five of Harbinger will be the end of the series Not the end of the characters or Josh's tie to them, he's already attached to the recently announced Harbinger: Omegas mini-series coming out[...]
45 Thoughts About 45 Comics – Original Sin, X-Men, Red Sonja, Regular Show, The Last Broadcast, Witcher, Lone Ranger, Aphrodite XI, Witchfinder, Batman And Ra's Al Ghul, Futures End, MPH, Alex + Ada, Minimum Wage, Batwoman, Wolverine And The X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Iron Man, Clive Barker's Next Testament, Sex Criminals, Wonder Woman, Auteur, Kill Shakespeare, Doodle Jump, Winter World, Magnus, Eye Of Newt, Axecop, Brainboy, Buffy, BPRD, Star Wars, Turtles x2, Star Trek, Samurai Jack, The Wicked And The Divine, Powerpuff Girls, My Little Pony, Littlest Pet Shop, Unity, Harbinger, Adventure Time, Loki, Thomas Alsop And Translucid
I thought they were meant to have some kind of inner peace? Not so much hiding in plain sight here… And even less so in Harbinger #24 Just remember, big is beautiful! Jim Rugg's last issue of Adventure Time should probably have watching the Game Of Thrones finale Skeleton Warriors are so much better than teamwork… The final Loki:[...]