Fantagraphics are to put the entirety of Peter Bagge's nineties slacker comic book Hate starring Buddy Bradley into a Complete paperback format, starting with The Complete Hate Volume 1 in August this year The first volume takes up issues 1 to 15, ha;f the original issue run Hate was one of the best-selling alternative comics of[...]
hate Archives
Hate by Peter Bagge was published by Fantagraphics in 1990, ran for 30 issues, and was one of the better-selling indie comics of the 1990s, selling 30,000 copies an issue It followed the 1985 magazine comic Neat Stuff and its disfunctional family strip The Bradleys, with Buddy Bradley getting his own story set first in Seattle[...]
The use of Pepe was then labelled a hate symbol.
This is something that caused creator Furie a great deal of sadness. After an attempt to Save Pepe from such appropriation, Furie killed him off, mourned by his stoner friends, and going out covered in cheap whiskey.
But recently he has tried to revive the character[...]
His comic series, Hate!, made him a popular figure among comic book fans and underground music lovers in the 1990s as many of us Generation Xers saw a lot of familiar situations in the adventures of Buddy Bradley Even if you don't know his name, once you've seen his art, you'll always recognize his style[...]
So the Shia LaBoeuf/Dan Clowes situation continues… but is it worth looking at other comic book strips that have, lets say, inspired films?
Such as Hilda Humphrey (Hellchild), a short film by Nick Lyons, credited as director, author and editor.
That bears quite the similarity to Peter Bagge's Whatever Happened To Babs Bradley from Hate #4.
Now there[...]
Peter Bagge will tell you he wants to bring Hate back in periodical form, but is having trouble finding publisher interest.
Jim Steranko, Brian Pulido, Ben Templesmith and too many more to list They're just sitting here, waiting for you to come up and extend a hand and a smile Staples, George Takei, Wil Wheaton and[...]