HearUsNiantic Archives

Pokémon GO Renders Stationary Incense Useless, Community Reacts
Notable reactions seen on social media include outrage for the disabled community, explanations of why Incense isn't useful for use while walking, and questions regarding Niantic's choices. Last time, I thought the "#HearUsNiantic" movement went too far, rushing to condemn rather than engage This time around, I find the Incense issue to be far more impactful[...]
Niantic's Posts Full Pokémon GO Taskforce Follow-Up Part One
This taskforce was created as a means of addressing the #HearUsNiantic movement on social media and the Pokémon GO boycott that came as a result of Niantic pulling back the pandemic bonus of increased Poké Stop distance You can catch Part One of this breakdown here Now, let's get into the second half. Pokémon GO logo[...]
Niantic's Posts Full Pokémon GO Taskforce Follow-Up Part One
This taskforce was created as a means of addressing the #HearUsNiantic movement on social media and the Pokémon GO boycott that came as a result of Niantic pulling back the pandemic bonus of  increased Poké Stop distance Let's get into the details. Pokémon GO logo Credit: Niantic On the official Pokémon GO blog, Niantic posted: What We Heard from the[...]
Niantic "Hears Us": Pandemic Bonus Made Permanent in Pokémon GO
They have now given their official answer to the #HearUsNiantic movement and Pokémon GO boycott that followed their decision to pull back the pandemic bonuses including the increased PokéStop distance Let's see what the verdict is. Pokémon GO #HearUsNiantic response Credit: Niantic Niantic took to the official Pokémon GO Twitter account to announce the news: Trainers – we're looking forward[...]
Niantic Has Responded to the Pokémon GO Boycottt
The #HearUsNiantic campaign was launched by players and many influencers in the community in protest of Niantic's removal of and lack of communication regarding the increased PokéStop spin distance Now, as #HearUsNiantic and #PokemonNODay trend on Twitter, Niantic has indeed issued a response. Pokémon GO logo Credit: Niantic Niantic's response to Pokémon GO players addressed the trending reaction: We[...]