hulk Archives

Ah, So The Totally Awesome Hulk Is Amadeus Cho After All. Who Would Have Thought?
It was the worst secret in comic books. But now Entertainment Weekly has confirmed that the star of the upcoming Totally Awesome Hulk by Greg Pak and Frank Cho is indeed his semi-occasional sidekick and terribly intelligent fellow, Amadeus Cho. So there And he is also the only Hulk… as Axel Alonso says, But I also want to[...]
It Still Has To Be Amadeus Cho, Right? (UPDATE)
I mean, it can't be Iron Fist, can it? From Marvel's latest PR… It can't be Thor either. No, The Totally Awesome Hulk by Greg Pak and Frank Cho has to be Amadeus Cho It just has to be. See some more non-revelatory artwork here… UPDATE: Oh, here comes another one.     [...]
Bruce Banner Recreates Hulk, As Wheelchair Cosplay
He settled on a foam used on treadmills and PVC pipe, he said. He then had to carve, sand and spray paint the foam pieces to make them look like the Hulk's legs when they were put together with screws and nuts, he said He also carved "HULK" in one of the foam knees, and "SMASH"[...]
Frank Cho's Totally Awesome She-Hulk
Frank Cho is the new artist on Totally Awesome Hulk, written by Greg Pak And while he's not doing anything to show off the mysterious identity of the new Hulk (Cho or not to Cho), he has been able to give us glimpses of She-Hulk, with Spider-Man, fighting off some brand new bad guys… The above is[...]
Who Is Greg Pak And Frank Cho's New Hulk? Has To Be Amadeus Cho… have been given the Marvel PR-friendly news and interview for The Totally Awesome Hulk, coming after Secret Wars from Marvel by Greg Pak, Frank Cho and Sonia Oback, And no, that's not Bruce Banner But he will be revealed in the first issue, guest starring She-Hulk and Spider-Man. So who? He does have quite a quiff[...]
What Is Holding Back A Hulk Solo Film?
Mark Hughes wrote for Forbes about the movie rights to the Incredible Hulk and possibly why there isn't a solo Hulk film in the works What we'd been hearing is that though Marvel had the rights to make Hulk films and use the character, Universal retained the rights to distribute any solo Hulk film And[...]
The All-New Hulk Is…? Part Two
On Friday, Bleeding Cool ran a rumour from an unknown, unverifiable and unsure source, that the new Hulk wold be the Ultimate Mister Fantastic An interesting thought, and we had no idea of the veracity of it It wasn't a well sourced rumour like the FF cancellation or Thing in the Guardians of The GalaxyBut[...]
The All-New Hulk Is….?
We are told that the All-New Hulk will cause controversy That just the character's silhouette alone will cause ructions And that the same folk who got upset with Jane Foster as Thor will get as upset with this as well. Which has led a number to suggest that Jennifer Walters, the She-Hulk, will become the actual[...]
An Interesting Hulk Rumor For Captain America: Civil War
Now this is just a rumor, but I'm going to throw out the big giant spoiler warning sign just in case. In an meta back-and-forth, MCU Exchange has a potential spoiler for Captain America: Civil War and they use We Are Wakanda and Bleeding Cool plus an unnamed source to put this one together. The rumor is[...]
Everything Wrong With The Ang Lee Hulk And The Incredible Hulk
With the latest version of the Hulk in theaters this weekend in Avengers: Age Of Ultron, the Cinema Sins crew have put together an Everything Wrong With.. video for the 2003 Ang Lee Hulk film and the Ed Norton Incredible Hulk by Marvel Folks keep talking about a new standalone Hulk film, but this reminds[...]
The Six Important Moments From Avengers: Age Of Ultron
Even later in the film, the team works like a team, passing Captain America's shield around, setting each other up for attacks… this is a well oiled machine that had a plan for even the Hulk going on a rampage. 2) As with most Joss Whedon productions, the humor here was spot on From the guy disagreeing[...]
Jimmy Fallon Tries To Figure Out The Hulks Pants
During the Thank You Letter segment on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, the host discussed the Hulk's purple pants and how they stretch enough to keep from being naked, yet the ride up his legs making them cullottes… he also thinks Ultron looks like the Terminator as a telemarketer. [youtube][/youtube] [...]
Mark Ruffalo Talks About Why No Solo Hulk Film
With the two previous attempts at making a Hulk film not going so well, it was a bit surprising how enthusiastic fans have reacted to Mark Ruffalo's version of Bruce Banner and his monstrous alter ego There has been a clamoring for a new Hulk solo movie… yet there are none on the horizon[...]
Ch-Ch-Changes – Ch-Ch-Changes – Hulk, Moon Knight And Omega Men
An occasional look at changes twist solicitation and publication in comics… Hulk #16 will be drawn by Rhoald Marcellius as well as the solicited Mark Bagley. Moon Knight #15 will be drawn by German Peralta, not the solicited Ron Ackins. And Omega Men #1 will be drawn by Barnaby Begenda rather than the solicited Alec Morgan. And if you need proof…. Contrary to the solicit,[...]
Avenger Level Powers And Is Skye The Next Hulk?
Simmons equates her power now more to The Hulk and the two debate Hulk helping save the world versus Bruce Banner wanting to cure himself. This is a very interesting conversation because we get a lot of references to the film, but not often do we get to see what has happened in the film getting[...]
Is That Ruby Summers In Secret Wars Future Imperfect?
Hollywood Reporter ran the PR about the Secret Wars Future Imperfect story, from Peter David and Greg Land, revisiting the classic future-set Hulk story. They also showed off some art, featuring a blonde red skinned woman Newsarama seems to think it's Betty Ross somehow but we know better, we think. That's Ruby Summers from David's X-Factor… The[...]
Mark Ruffalo Gives Us A Hulk Poster For Avengers: Age Of Ultron
Today it's Mark Ruffalo's turn as the actor tweeted out the character poster for the Hulk I wonder if Marvel is going to let each actor do this… maybe 7 days from now Paul Bettany will be tweeting…   Here's your first look at the official Hulk poster for @Avengers Age of Ultron! — Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo)[...]
Hot Toys Teases New Artists Mix Collection
On their Facebook page, Hot Toys posted the above image along with the following: Hot Toys is expanding its collectible lines yet again and will be introducing the brand new "Artist Mix Collection"! The first wave of collectibles from this series will feature a number of characters from the upcoming Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron in[...]