You may remember last year when we were running rumours about the return of Damian Wayne this summer, a DC Five Years Later event for September and a
new 52 Archives
From the DC New 52 panel going on at Wondercon right now…
As the Green Lantern books begin their Uprising crossover, continuing into July, the Green Lantern Corps comic will be expanding the cast Quite a lot.
Bernard Chang lays claims to over one thousand three hundred Green Lanterns shown so far, but expresses a desire to[...]
The others, less so.
DC Comics found spectacular success with their New 52 relaunch, but many sales are fading now, and the temptation of new relaunches are clearly upon them, having seen the success of the first Marvel NOW! rollout But are all the lessons being learnt? Can a book be continually relaunched without its audience[...]
We told you they wouldn't kill off Nightwing. Then they cancelled his series. But we told you he would return as Grayson. And now DC Comics have told USA
Sue, at DC Women Kicking Ass, has been reading the new TwoMorrows volume on Cliff Chiang and his work on the DC New 52 Wonder Woman And they learnt something new about how it all went down.
Chiang had no idea until March during a dinner with Dan Didio at WonderCon that Wonder Woman would be[...]
Previously we reported that Tony S Daniel was to write and draw the new Teen Titans book. We were wrong, though I understand at one point it was a plan.
He was also asked to pitch for Ragman, Vigilante and Animal Man, the first two which also have not been part of the New 52, but might indicate DC Comics interest in that direction It's also notable that Animal Man is scheduled for cancellation at the end of Jeff Lemire's run.
And, yes, it would have[...]
The website Sequential Tart used to run a regular column, Bizarre Breasts, looking at particular extremes of anatomy in comic books, especially those
Frankenstein, currently appearing in the DC New 52 in Justice League Dark is going to be making a central appearance in the upcoming Future's End weekly comic.
But before that, in May, it seems that he will be joining Peter Tomasi's Batman And… series, giving us Batman And Frankenstein.
I mean, you kind of had a Batman[...]
Today, we are following up last week's flashback with the final story of Grant Morrison's pre-Crisis Batman run, Batman RIP.
(Note: As this story was pre-New 52 continuity, there are no spoilers for the current incarnation of Batman Those of you reading storylines before 2011, however, may want to shield your eyes now.)
I believe in Grant[...]
Senior Cosplay Correspondent and Bleeding Cosplay columnist Ian Mageto reviews the New DC animated film Justice League War, out today! And as bonus--he
The action scenes are vivid, the detail in J.P.'s beast form pops to the last hair follicle, and villain Riot is made to look as menacing as some of the best in the New 52 His blend of realism and stylization is the highlight of this series I'm a big fan of great art, so[...]
Finally, a definitive answer to one of the biggest lingering questions of the New 52 USA Today's Brian Truitt has the word on many, many things Flash for 2014, including the return of Wally West in Flash Annual #3 In April.
Flash alter ego Barry Allen, who plies his trade in the Central City police crime[...]
Dan Jurgens, who wrote Aquaman for a year during 2000, will be taking on the new DC Comics title, Aquaman And The Others.
Jurgens is an accomplished writer/artist, mostly at DC Comics, with long runs on Superman and New 52 work on Justice League International and Green Arrow And the rumour goes he is using both[...]
This led to them showing off their New 52 Villains figures, starting with the reveal of Bizzaro and armored up Lex Luthor Luthor is still in the prototype stage This was followed by a Suicide Squad 3-pack that includes Deadshot, Harley Quinn, and Captain Boomerang, which has been shown before.The panel asked if anyone would[...]
Is there a plan to bring them back?
A: Nicole Scott: Have you read issue #16?
Q: A Stephanie Brown fan! Having done a lot of analysis of a lot of DC's numbers, there are very few female DC pencilers and inkers working at DC for The New 52 Is DC doing analysis of their hiring practices,[...]
New 52 launch, Zero Month, Villains Month…
So what's for 2014?
The New 52 is meant to take place five years after Superman emerges.
Well, next September, according to comic professional chatter on the comics convention circuit which has just reached me, it is currently being planned that all books will skip forward, for a month, another five[...]
Luthor, maybe this guy that flies is just sort of passing through, you know?" But as of Forever Evil #2, previewed on Buzzfeed, it looks as if Geoff Johns has just bypassed the New 52 relaunch and located their headquarters back in San Francisco without explanation.
Most-Read Comic Stories Yesterday:
Where In The World Are Teen Titans? And Geoff[...]
We know Superman died at the hands of Doomsday in the New 52… but did it happen in exactly the same way as before?
Doomsday #1 has a stab at answering it If that stab is by a blind man holding a spork Because you get the whole tale rather filtered…
Look, we get another splash page[...]
The final covers for DC Comics' Villains Month, laid out across the floor... Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics,
Over on the DC Comic blog Editor-in-Chief Bob Harris revealed some new designs for the character of Lobo and tells us that the bad-ass biker we know does not exist.
Back when we introduced this "What's New In The New 52" column, I told you that the most important word in The New 52 is "New." We're always[...]
She had a short story in the Young Romance: A New 52 Valentine's Day Special.
But today, Emanuela Lupacchino makes her ongoing debut for the DC New 52 in World's Finest #15, drawing the book Man, we love Emanuela at Bleeding Cool For reasons like this.
Though not that you'd know it from the cover, though, which[...]
But it's a good piece and you should read them both, but here's what I'd have also asked if given the opportunity.
I think we can see why I wouldn't have been given the opportunity.
DiDio: It's interesting to us to watch as the other companies are being very aggressive in a good way, and I think[...]
The villain Psycho Pirate is included, exploring the traditional weakness that the Supers have is when they are attacked on a psychic level over a physical level and how Conner has the ability to tap into those powers and why he has those powers.
Question period was than initiated and prizes were given (my favourite was[...]
Some lighting-round DC New 52 panel highlights from Aaron Hale:
The panel was moderated by Brian Cunningham and was attended by Jeff Lemire, Geoff Johns, Ray Fawkes, and Matt Kindt SOME SPOILERS SO BEWARE!
Booster Gold will not be appearing in Trinity War However expect him in the intro to Forever Evil #1.
John Constantine has a major[...]
The panel consisted of DC big hitters John Cunningham, Bob Harris and Bobbie Chase.
The panel began focusing on the upcoming New 52 event Trinity War, with three Justice Leagues coming to a head The Justice League of America have been put together by the government to specifically take on the Justice League, should they ever[...]
When DC Comics launched the New 52, the pencilling duties for Supergirl were given to Mahmud Asrar who continued on the series for twenty issues But that twentieth issue was to be his last as the artist posted this farewell on his deviant art page
Dear friends,
As apparent from my absence in the last few issues[...]
Damian is cleary a teenager in this new art, but he isn't wearing the "new 52″ style suit that debuted before Flashpoint, the one with the lace-up boots.
Most-Read TV/Film Stories On Thursday:
Kanye West Stomps On Twitter's Pacific Rim Problem
Well, Team Rim may have just won the buzzing contest, and it's all thanks to Kanye West.
The DC New 52 solicited 49 monthly titles for August Four of which were cancellations.
We now have a New 45 Obviously, that will not stand.
What could replace them and make the numbers up?
A four-times-a-month title may be a start But, while creators were approached to work on a series of these, it seems they may[...]
DeMatteis (@JMDeMatteis) May 3, 2013
Finally, in the New 52, could it be? A new DeMatteis/Giffen project? And Kevin Maguire is around too Is this just too much to hope for?
Say, it couldn't be the previously rumoured Justice Legion could it?
So, Legion Of Superheroes is cancelled in August Which means it won't even make it[...]