Additionally there is a new ruling on cosplay,
Any masks should be removed until you've cleared security and have entered into the Javits Center.
NYCC has also banned drones and selfie sticks as well.
This year's New York Comic Con has amended its weapons policy Last year, it read,
Prop weapons will be allowed providing they are composed[...]
NYCC Archives
And it looks like The Walking Dead have the advertising rights for the NYCC passes for another year.
Make sure you activate your passes when you get them, if you lose them it's the only way to get them back!
And it looks like The Walking Dead have the advertising rights for the NYCC passes for[...]
It used to be a joke, how white comic book conventions used to be. Not a particularly funny joke, but a joke nevertheless. In recent years, that has been
Live tweet with us using…
Justin Rojas, ,
Tara McKinney, ,
A World Unlike Any Other: The Importance of Setting in Fantasy and Sci-Fi
October 06, 2016, 12:45 PM – 1:45 PM, BookCon @ NYCC – 500 W 36th St
Embarking into a new world? Better check the maps! From Frodo and Bilbo to Chrestomanci and Hermione, from Dejah Thoris to the[...]
I guess we may be seeing quite a lot of these come New York Comic Con... here are the DC Suits licensed from Fun... Dark Knight Suit (Alter Ego) $250
I guess we may be seeing quite a lot of these come New York Comic Con... here are the Marvel Suits licensed from Fun... Marvel Comic Strip Suit - $250
I've booked my AirBNB (a mattress on the floor of Hell's Kitchen, 45th and 11th, but it's only $50 a night) and really need to lock down flight details.
Courtesy of Marvel PR and Comic Book, the new costumes for Mary Jane and Annie Parker, designed by artist Ryan Stegman for the Amazing Spider-Man: Renew
The Batman panel saw at least one person asking if characters from DC's Wildstorm imprint - created by Jim Lee and originally published from Image Comics
So naturally that's the perfect time for the New York Comic Con to announce the week of activities in New York that lead up to and through the show in October, three months away…
NYCC Presents will keep the party going in New York City by bringing passionate Fans to various venues all over Manhattan and[...]
The New York Comic Con has announced the last NYCC appearance of Stan Lee at this year's show.
Whenever I have seen Stan Lee at a show, he has seemed to be one of the hardest working there, launching multiple projects, doing multiple panels, signing for hours, attending every party he can get to He's always[...]
Mikey pulls no punches as he tells a story of regret, hardship, and second chances.
But there's a lot more art to find online from this offbeat superhero comic that got its first public view at NYCC. Doesn't it look rather… snazzy?
And got to love the springy action[...] Patrick Willems talks to Donny Cates and Eliot Rahal of Dark Horse's The Paybacks for Bleeding Cool about the
Oh boy. Patrick Willems and friends have knocked this one out of the park for Bleeding Cool. Hunter S Thompson goes to New York Comic Con and discovers
Growing up I would also enjoy Batman, horror movies, both old and new, and the entire Godzilla universe (I even have a Mothra cosplay that I do regularly)
Her style, which is also inspired by Japanese fashion trends like lolita, ganguro and gyaru, certainly lends itself well to geek events in the city, as seen at[...]
At New York Comic Con, the FDNY and Marvel debuted an exclusive selection of fire helmet designs created by book artists including Joe Quesada, Kaare
Whilst the shocking uselessness of the complimentary WiFi provided by 'LexCorp' was a common topic of discussion the whole show, along with how after ten years NYCC still seems completely unable to provide working WiFi, it was usually fine to use data in the whole place, including the panel rooms Apparently, in this one panel[...] Patrick Willems does it again! Filmed at the New York Comic Con Artists Alley for Bleeding Cool, with rumours
By Ale Bodden
One thing I love about NYCC—and Comic Cons for that matter—is the amount of educational/informative panels that offer advice and help get the head together in terms of doing what you love In this case it was breaking into the comics industry Moderating the panel we had Marvel's Talent scout Rickey Purdin, who[...]
I must say—panels at NYCC are becoming the same as SDCC One has to camp way ahead of time in order to make it to the panels you do want to see Thankfully I did luck out and most panels/screenings I had to sit through were pretty interesting
But back to topic[...]
It is her third year attending NYCC with Bleeding Cool You can follow her art-ventures through twitter at: @Nerdy_Faery, or through IG: @NerdyFaery.
By Ale Bodden
In one way or another we all have gone through this: whether it is haters or just a constant distraction, the internet has probably ruined all of our lives[...]
By Ale Bodden
Image Comics presented an all-star panel at NYCC featuring Brian K Vaughan and Cliff Chiang (Paper Girls), Leila del Duca and Joe Keating (Shutter), and Jonathan Luna and Sarah Vaughn (Alex + Ada) It rolled in interview format ranging from creative process, to thought process while creating, and all the communication, trust, and[...] can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Cosplaying Kids at NYCC 2015 (
From Patrick Willems, Kendra James and the kids of New York Comic Con, for Bleeding Cool… and yes, that includes kids dressed as Rick Grimes and Chucky[...]
By Octavio Karbank At New York Comic Con last week, I spoke with esteemed comic book writer and artist, Aaron Lopresti. Together, the two of us spoke
I always get interesting tales from New York Comic Con, as I get face to face with certain people who wait all year to tell me stuff. Such as a producer
If you didn't get to the NYCC last weekend, DC has released a video of the Dark Knight 30th Anniversary panel which talked about the upcoming new Dark Knight III: The Master Race and included a special surprise visit by Frank Miller along with panel guests Brian Azzarello, Andy Kubert, Klaus Janson, Jim Lee and host[...]
Fourty minutes later we were finally shuffled through the line and told to leave with absolutely no explanation and only a surly security guard swearing at the people asking for information.
Hundreds of fans waited in line for a panel that had "sold out" before they even entered and NYCC didn't even send staff down to[...]
By Octavio Karbank If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a dozen times. While at any comic con, there are innumerable opportunities to sit down and talk with
By Joe Glass
I came away from NYCC at the start of this week with one overwhelming feeling: there wasn't much in the way of major comics announcements.
Sure, there were announcements, such as Marvel's Spider-Women and Avengers: Standoff, and there was more information about recently revealed projects, and the odd bit of tantalizing new artwork –[...]
Shot at NYCC this past week, these are upcoming statues from Shadowbox Toys from David Gallaher and Steve Ellis' High Moon comic book – which indicate not only that the wereworlf western comic is getting a statue line, but also that we may be getting more of the comic book in 2016 as well….