Benjamin John Fodor is best known as Phoenix Jones, a real-life superhero vigilante on the streets of Seattle, whose career has been widely reported by
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The Detroit News reports on a schism in the Real Life Superhero movement in northern Michigan, between Petoskey Batman and Bee Sting. The two men, part of
Gail denies the following makes her a superhero. I disagree. She put herself in potential harm's way to save a stranger, and did something that most
Rob Orr writes; Just like McDonald’s, Starbuck’s, financial recession, and gangster culture--he’s your problem now, UK! (Just kidding, I actually dig real
I'm still watching Iron Man 3. Maybe I'm liking it, maybe I'm not, there's no way to tell. So thanks to Jenny B of dialtosave international call for this
Phoenix Jones is the most famous proponent of the Real Life Superhero movement, due to the fact that he actually beats up bad guys on the streets of Apparently, in the state of Washington, it is legal for two men to fight it out in the street, if they have
Mark Wayne Williams, a 33 year old from north Michigan has been arrested for a second time in a Batman costume after he refused to leave a crime scene at
I am continuing to blame Kick Ass. Ex-military policeman Matthew Argintar, 23 from New Jersey, is a Real Life Super Hero. Dressed in a Batman-like face
It's a busy day for Phoenix Jones, the most high profile of the Real Life Superheroes, in his home town of Seattle. First, the self-styled supervillain
Real Life Superhero BeeSting has been charged on two counts, felonious assault and wearing body armor during the commission of a violent crime. Early this
Phoenix Jones is the world most famous real life superhero, from Seattle. Purple Reign, is, well, another one, not quite so well known, but also from
Today the New York Times has put Real Life Super Heroes on the front paage of their paper in an article talking about Salt Lake City's own Utah saints,
Publicola reports that they were priveleged to be the ones to tell Ben Fodor, better known as real life super hero, Phoenix Jones, that the city were
Bleeding Cool have covered the real life superhero antics of Phoenix Jones, who patrols the streets of Seattle challenging the like of drug dealers, car
This is Shadow, a ninja who patrols the streets of his home town to make it a safer place to live. And it's not a comic. He's a Real Life Superhero in
Tonight on Channel 4 in Britain, a documentary The Superheroes Of Suburbia made by Christian Watt looked at British real life superheroes and found, as
Following an interview between CBR News editor Kiel Phegley and Valiant's Jason Kothari and Peter Cuneo, Bleeding Cool received a press release announcing
Zimmer Barnes is a Real Life Super Hero, working in New York. But now he's gone to Texas, this time to defend someone accused of gun crime. His own
On the left is Dheeraj Verma, artist on Avatar's Night Of The Living Dead series. On the right... is Phoenix Jones, self styled crime fighter on the
And this is how long a superhero secret identity would last in real life. Britain's street superhero The Statesman has been revealed by the Sun as Scott
Bleeding Cool has covered the activities of Seattle's lead real life superhero Phoenix Jones in detail before. Indeed, just last week I had a long