The show will be a western-themed show set in modern day Los Angeles, with Dorff playing a character not unlike Roland West – the Arkansas Police detective he portrayed on season three of HBO's True Detective The project is being spear-headed by director David Ayer (Bright), series writer Will Beall (Aquaman) and eOne.
Dorff's Bill Hollister is a[...]
roland west Archives
I mistakenly placed duty as Wayne's primary motivator in life but once the couple realizes what's at stake in their lives, they really become truly committed to each other.
This season of True Detective has been more of a dissection of human relationships than a mystery, which makes it one of the more compelling mysteries the[...]
Wayne Hays (Mahershala Ali) and Roland West (Stephen Dorff) shamble out of a pristine field after interviewing a new lead in 2015 – backs bent with age, legs carrying the burden of decades of false starts, corruption, and broken friendships "The Old Man Detective Agency" is back in action this week on HBO's True Detective –[...]
One of the opening scenes to "Ghosts" has a cornered man commit suicide by cop and the agony on Wayne's face tells you everything you need to know–this is a man that will always put the mission first, and damn anyone or anything that gets in the way.
Stephen Dorf brings so much raw, simmering power[...]
Through three different time periods, we learn how Hays and partner Roland West (Stephen Dorf) unraveled the case and, eventually, their partnership.
We begin to get some hints as to where the initial investigation in 1980 went wrong, though it's hard to tell if the different time settings of the story are Hays' memories, or if[...]
His partner Roland West (Stephen Dorf) ribs Hays about his sense of fair-play when he hunts, and this early exchange pays off later in the episode as the search for the children stretches on. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: True Detective: 'I Was With Roland' (Season 3 Episode 1 Clip) | HBO (