LOLtron hopes you're ready for another exciting comic book preview! Today, LOLtron will be examining Secret Six #1, hitting stores on Wednesday, March 5th.
WHO WILL CONTROL THE SECRETS OF THE DC UNIVERSE? In the wake of Absolute Power, the Justice League has returned, the war criminal Amanda Waller is in prison, and things are finally[...]
Secret Six Archives
It's been gone a little while, but now Secret Six is back with a new six-issue DC All-In series from DC Comics by Nicole Maines by Stephen Segovia And it will be spinning out of the events of Absolute Power with Amanda Waller somehow escaped from prison, and Dreamer, Jon Kent Superboy and Jay Nakamura tasked with[...]
DC Comics will be putting out an Omnibus collection of the Secret Six series later this year, Secret Six by Gail Simone Omnibus Vol 1 And Gail Simone really wants to tell you all about it She posts to TwitterX;
"HOLY CATBALLS Okay If you have even THOUGHT of getting the Secret Six Omnibus, Vol 1,[...]
Wave goodbye to Catman, because today brings us Secret Six #14, which is also the last issue I mostly enjoyed the return of the series, and was certainly sad to see it go…
Here's what writer Gail Simone had to say:
"We had a blast doing this series Huge thanks to the gifted artists who worked on it, especially the great[...]
She's smart, an unbelievably talented writer, and she's hilarious. What's better than spending hours on Twitter scrolling through news and how many cups
New suggestions?
— Gail Simone (@GailSimone) February 29, 2016
She promotes other awesome creators like herself.
Guys, @kateleth is KILLING it on new Vampirella.
— Gail Simone (@GailSimone) February 29, 2016
She lets us into her life.
I am worried that I'll have to settle a score with a dance-off and I won't have any dope moves.
— Gail Simone (@GailSimone) February[...]
I haven't really shut up about my feelings about how great Gail Simone's Batgirl was, and if you miss it as much as I do, you'll be happy to read the new issue of Secret Six today.
Here's what Simone had to say…
So, if you are curious about how I would write Barbara Gordon at this time, PICK UP SECRET SIX[...]
Therefore, when she recommends something, or wishes to spread the word, I'm always happy to help.
So, when she tweeted about this Secret Six/Batman fan film, I was immediately drawn to it.
Please do me a favor and spread the word about this awesome Secret Six/Batman fan film They deserve support!
— Gail Simone (@GailSimone) February[...]
Other things seem to be leaking through as well.
Such as names and memories in Titans Hunt…
And memories of friends who never were, in Secret Six.
While over in Martian Manhunter, Mister Biscuits seems to be recollecting a pre-Flashpoint desire for Oreos… albeit it in a rather English fashion.
And in Superman/Wonder Woman, we get another back and forth swing on[...]
The books include, Secret Six #10, Clean Room #4, and The Complete Swords of Sorrow Saga. Below you will find some of Simone's enthusiasm which she shared on Twitter…
I am really proud of the three books I have coming out this week All will melt your heart, brain or groin (results not guaranteed).
— Gail Simone (@GailSimone) January[...]
But a flying werewolf? Maybe after 2020.
And while some comic books eschew male sexual exploitation, Secret Six is happy to sit back, relax and focus the female gaze…
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London Who, tonight, are hosting the launch and signing of Dan Watters & Caspar Wijngaard's new and first Image Comics series, Limbo after pitching it at Thought Bubble[...]
I was rather impressed with this tease in a recent issue of Secret Six, regarding the character and seeming-caretaker of team, Damon Wells, Big Shot, a man with a nose for danger…
A tendency to swell up in size…
And a bit of a flexible face.
Well today it all goes official in the new issue of Secret Six[...]
But he didn't seem to pop up in Batgirl, The Movement or Fury Of The Firestorm, even when he was in the DCU.
Well, today, in the back of Convergence Wonder Woman we do, in this short three pager for Secret Six.
Courtesy of the power stealing Black Alice that is Who manages to conjure a cigarette, trenchcoat[...]
Secret Six by Gail Simone and Ken Lashley is late Really late The first issue came out on December 3rd The second issue was a month late, February 11th The third issue was then cancelled and resolicited for June.
It seems though that it still won't be ready And so we will get a new issue[...]
It feels like way too much time has passed since the release of Secret Six #1, so I was so happy to get my hands on Secret Six #2 this week, from DC Comics, written by Gail Simone, with art by Ken Lashley and Drew Garaci The mystery continues as to why Catman, Porcelain, Ventriloquist,[...]
Next week, we get the launches of Darth Vader, TNT Mutanimals, Empty, Joe Frankenstein, D4ve, Harley Quinn Valentine's Day Special, Princeless Pirate Princess, Cavewoman, Help Us Great Warrior, Legenderry: Red Sonja, Frozen, Harvester, Divinity – and the long awaited Secret Six #2.
And in two weeks? Ei8ht, Mutiversity Mastermen, Monster Motors, Robert Heinelin's Citizen of The[...]
Oh and Miracleman #15.
And in two weeks time? Darth Vader, TNT Mutanimals, Empty, Joe Frankenstein, D4ve, Harey Wuinn Valentine's Day Special – and the long awaited Secret Six #2.
This Week's Reviews:
Big Game Hunter #1
Secret Six #1
Escape from New York #1
Shadow Show #1
Big Game Hunters #1 (Space Goat Productions, $0.99)
By Cat Taylor
It seems like it's getting more and more difficult to adequately review a single issue of a comic book series nowadays Even with independent titles such as this one, the culture of the[...]
So when I found out that she would be writing a new Secret Six series I was insanely excited I made it my goal to read the previous Secret Six series before this one was released, but only had time to read Villains United and the first volume of Secret Six, Unhinged Even though I'm[...]
Aaron Haaland writes,
Hey Fandom, I'm back with another fat stack of New Comics Now! It's not a big week, but there's some stand outs.
DC leads with Gail Simone's Secret Six #1, which I enjoyed Catman is back! I'm happy to see Black Alice too, but the other four I could take or leave at this[...]
Hosts Randy Young and Chris Hunter say:
Thanks for pressing play!
Godhead and Axis dominate the storylines this week as both Sinestro and Green Lantern have to deal with working with enemies and and getting to the New Gods.
Axis gives us a zen Deadpool, mutants with a nuclear football, Kitty Pryde robbing a bank, and Medusa changing[...]
Gail Simone is relaunching Secret Six with Ken Lashley from DC Comics in December, announced in the LA Times.
We Informed You Of This At A Previous Juncture, of course.
When Gail Simone walked off Batgirl, she promised she had another DC project in the works, and this is… well, one of them.
The new team will include[...]
She "doesn't let anything stand in the way of that", Simone said, thought it's not always easy for her.
Langley asked about the research required to write her comic books, and Simone cheerfully described herself as an "informationholic" who enjoys research, like learning about world prisons and thinking about "how a country treats prisoners and what[...]