si spurrier Archives

Free WebComic, Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Live with New Chapter
A new chapter of Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Avatar's adults-only web comic written by Si Spurrier's (X-Men Legacy, Extermination, 2000AD), is now live If you haven't tried Crossed yet – the over-the-top outbreak story created by Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys, Chronicles of Wormwood) – you can read a free 8-page chapter from Avatar Press every Thursday. You can currently find the first 22[...]
Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Live with Free New Chapter
  A new chapter of Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Avatar's adults-only web comic written by Si Spurrier's (X-Men Legacy, Extermination, 2000AD), is now live If you haven't tried Crossed yet – the over-the-top outbreak story created by Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys, Chronicles of Wormwood) – you can read a free 8-page chapter from Avatar Press every Thursday. You can currently find the first 22[...]
Si Spurrier Headlines A New Creator Owned Imprint From Titan Comics
Titan Comics are launching a new creator owned imprint in July, with a bunch of British industry talent and an eye on the American market. They begin with Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol by writer/artist Stuart Jennett (Marvel UK);  Numbercruncher by X-Men: Legacy writer Si Spurrier and 2000AD artist P.J[...]
Astonishing X-Men To X-Club For 99 Cents From ComiXology Tomorrow
Coming down the pipe… If you are enjoying Si Spurrier's run on X-Men Legacy, then his five issue miniseries X-Club will be 99 cents an issue tomorrow on ComiXology Along with the post-Joss Whedon Astonishing X-Men #25 to #51, better known as the Warren Ellis-to-gay-marriage years, as well as the Xenogenesis and Ghost Boxes spin[...]
Crossed's Free WebComic, Wish You Were Here, Live with New Chapter
The latest chapter of Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Avatar's adults-only web comic written by Si Spurrier's (X-Men Legacy, Extermination, 2000AD), is now live You can read a free 8-page chapter from Avatar Press every Thursday. If you aren't familiar with Crossed – the over-the-top outbreak story created by Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys, Chronicles of Wormwood) –[...]
Avatar Plug of the Week – CROSSED: BADLANDS #20
Fans of Si Spurrier's Crossed: Wish You Were Here will want to pick up this Wednesday's Crossed: Badlands #20 – the second half to his amazing 2-part story! Can a freak Crossed berserker overcome all his base-desires to reunite with the one person he is obsessed? Here is a sneak peak… Fans of Si Spurrier's Crossed:[...]
Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Live with Free New Chapter
A new chapter of Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Avatar's adults-only web comic written by Si Spurrier's (X-Men Legacy, Extermination, 2000AD), is now live If you haven't tried Crossed yet – the over-the-top outbreak story created by Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys, Chronicles of Wormwood) – you can read a free 8-page chapter from Avatar Press every[...]
Crossed's Free WebComic, Wish You Were Here, Live with New Chapter
A new chapter of Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Avatar's adults-only web comic written by Si Spurrier's (X-Men Legacy, Judge Dredd, 2000AD), is now live If you haven't tried Crossed yet – the over-the-top outbreak story created by Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys, Chronicles of Wormwood) – Avatar Press gives a free taste every Thursday. You can currently find[...]
Avatar Plug of the Week – CROSSED: BADLANDS #19 Si Spurrier's New Arc!
December 2012 – it's the end of the world, Crossed style!  And to celebrate we have a special Crossed Badlands event by Si Spurrier (Crossed: Wish You Were Here) and Raulo Caceres. Even in the first days of the Crossed epidemic, there was the one-in-a-million rare berserker who was able to concentrate his rage on a[...]
Crossed's Free WebComic, Wish You Were Here, Live with New Chapter
A new chapter of Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Avatar's adults-only web comic written by Si Spurrier's (X-Men Legacy, Judge Dredd, 2000AD), is now live If you haven't tried Crossed yet – the over-the-top outbreak story created by Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys, Chronicles of Wormwood) – Avatar Press gives a free taste every Thursday. You can currently find[...]
Si Spurrier Answers Accusations On X-Men: Legacy – Marvel AR
[youtube][/youtube] From the Marvel AR at the end of X-Men: Legacy #1, in case you don't have smartphone/tablet access, Si Spurrier answers his critics Followed by editor Daniel Ketchum interviewing his mother about the cover…     [youtube][/youtube] From the Marvel AR at the end of X-Men: Legacy #1, in case you don't have smartphone/tablet access, Si Spurrier answers[...]
Free Online Comic, Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Live with New Chapter
Avatar Press publishes a free online comic every Thursday with Crossed: Wish You Were Here. "Reading this was like reading The Walking Dead, except in color, better dialogue, crazier gore, and way more fun to read."  – Shock Till You Drop Dead  Crossed is an over-the-top, adults-only outbreak story created by Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys, Chronicles of Wormwood) in 2008. Wish You Were Here is[...]
Pop Culture Hounding – Marvel Now, Si Spurrier And Madefire
You can also follow me on Twitter: @popculturehound. Taylor Lilley Twitter: @capelessT Si Spurrier Twitter: @sispurrier Simon's website: Madefire Twitter: @madefire Madefire's website: AND if you want an exclusive preview of Madefire's brand-new project The Engine, you can check out their latest blog post here: The Making Of THE ENGINE Episode 3 [...]
Free WebComic, Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Live with New Chapter
It is written by Si Spurrier's (X-Men Legacy, Judge Dredd, 2000AD), and has gotten killer reviews. "Reading this was like reading The Walking Dead, except in color, better dialogue, crazier gore, and way more fun to read."  – Shock Till You Drop Dead  You can currently find the first 22 chapters of Crossed: Wish You Were Here collected in soft and[...]
Crossed's Free WebComic, Wish You Were Here, Live with New Chapter
A new chapter of Crossed: Wish You Were Here, Avatar's adults-only web comic written by Si Spurrier's (X-Men Legacy, Judge Dredd, 2000AD), is now live If you haven't tried Crossed yet – the over-the-top outbreak story created by Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys, Chronicles of Wormwood) – Avatar Press gives a free taste every Thursday. You can currently find[...]
Crossed's Free Online Comic, Wish You Were Here, Live with New Chapter
Written by Si Spurrier (X-Men Legacy, Judge Dredd, 2000AD), this adults-only web comic features a ragged band of survivors holed up on a small island fighting off the horror of the Crossed. The first 22 chapters were recently collected in soft and hard cover editions However, you can read the individual web chapters for free here.   [...]
Friday Trending Topics: Friday Now
The new Now Announcements today were Si Spurrier and Tan Eng Huat on X-Men Legacy, and Rick Remender and John Romita Jr on Captain America  What's next for Marvel Now? Rich seems to have deciphered some elaborate Da Vinci Code-like set of clues which tells him exactly where, when, and what will be revealed, so[...]
Yes, It's Official, Si Spurrier And Tan Eng Huat To Launch X-Men Legacy
And, as we told you this morning, due to be announced today. Well, MTV Geek have just confirmed the news that Si Spurrier, of this parish, and Tan Eng Huat are to launch the relaunched X-book, X-Men Legacy, for Marvel NOW! in November And here's the art to prove it. a brand new take on X-Men Legacy,[...]
Crossed: Really, Really Wish You Were Here
Until it all goes to hell of course. A new chapter of Crossed: Wish You Were Here by Si Spurrier, Javier Barreno and Gary Erskine has just gone live As it were. Tomorrow we find out which X-book Si Spurrier is writing Can't wait! Never has the titles of this webcomic felt more fitting Until it all[...]
Si Spurrier And Tan Eng Huat Launch New X-Book For Marvel Now!
Anyway, so that's Si Spurrier and Tan Eng Huat, most definitely… It could be X-Men Legacy in this teaser shared with MTV Geek but Marvel have been shy of putting a very definite title noun in these teasers Anyway, so that's Si Spurrier and Tan Eng Huat, most definitely… It could be X-Men Legacy in[...]
REmake/REmodel: Officers Of The House
Si Spurrier writes; OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE (With thanks to our very own @Purple_Wyrm, who suggested the idea) A little backstory for our Yanqi pals The two legislative bodies which rule the UK – the House of Lords and the House of Commons – are positively sodden with airy-fairy ritualised forms of conduct, and each has its[...]
The Heart and Soul of a Crossed Epic: An Avatar Plug
I'm not just saying it because I have to.  I truly do believe that the Crossed epic known as Wish You Were Here is crafted with more heart and soul than most other comics on the market.  I'm going to tell you why.  Nay, I'll show you why… See that guy on the left there? That's[...]
REmake/REmodel: Deep Sea Danny's Iron Fish
Si Spurrier's instructions; This one comes courtesy of the memories of comedian Frankie Boyle, whose comicky talk at KAPOW! persuaded me he's not the one-note controversy-goblin I was expecting, but a smart and very cosmic human. DEEP SEA DANNY'S IRON FISH Way back in 1949 the world – at least, the prepubescent, British, male comics-reading parts of it[...]
Avatar Plug of June Previews – Crossed: Wish You Were Here Volume One GN
Si Spurrier, writer extraordinaire, has been hard at work with artist Javier Barreno (Crossed: Family Values), mapping out the tale for many volumes to come. To give you a sense of where Wish You Were Here begins, here's Spurrier's own description… The Crossed pandemic swept through London like a lightsaber through slug meat Out in the countryside,[...]