sky Archives

Yonderland, A British TV Series To Utterly Fall In Love With
So the cast and crew created a new show, for Sky TV, called Yonderland A fantasy series about Debbie, a mother of a normal English house who finds herself summoned as the Chosen One to sort out a fantasy land being threatened by evil Fitting into the Gulliver's Travels mode of allegory, she does so[...]
New NBC Dracula Series Promises Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Implies Steampunk and Sex
NBC Universal and Sky Living have announced they'll be co-producing a new TV series, Dracul' starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers Superficially, the only surprising move is exactly how long it's taken for everyone other than HBO and The CW to realize that vampires are sparkly TV gold right now, and the use of the word 'provocative'[...]