the weekly static Archives

Turn up the lights in here, baby…you know what I need. Want you to see everything…want you to see all of the lights…of The Weekly Static! But before we get started and with a bucket of apologies to Kanye West and Rihanna, it's time to cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war… because here it is! can't be[...]
The Weekly Static: Interviews E01: Ring Of Honor Wrestling's Jay Lethal
Lethal also has the distinct honor of having held both the World Television Championship and World Championship titles concurrently. RING OF HONOR / Oli Sandler Lethal was kind enough to take some time to speak with Bleeding Cool on a number of topics, including: how the wrestling industry has changed over the years; the role ROH plays[...]
Can't get it out of my head! Miss it, kiss it, love it, this post is…The Weekly Static! But before we get started, break out those Little Orphan Annie decoder rings, kids… because here it is! can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Ellery Queen (1975-76) – Intro & Close ( So let's get you squared away with[...]
Lookin' at my Gucci, it's about that time — so welcome back to The Weekly Static! Now just hold on, give me a second — I know it's around here somewhere… here it is! can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: "Fridays TV Show" (1981) [Show L-08] "Andy Kaufman, the Fight Incident" [09 of 12][...]
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, cats and kittens! Welcome back to The Weekly Static! But before we get started, it's time for another… can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The 11 minutes that ruined Hollywood producer Allan Carr's career forever ( In case you're new to the neighborhood, let me get you squared away with a[...]
Welcome back to The Weekly Static on a very sunny and chilly Friday the 13th in the northeast, which is perfect weather for hockey mask-wearing and head of your dead mother-carrying — so here's hoping you take advantage of it! can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: ORIGINAL SERIES INTRO WITH VO ( In case you[...]
Because a decent chunk of these five days has been dedicated elsewhere, we're going to take a break from looking back at the week that was and answer some of the questions/comments you sent me through social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). But first, it's time for a… can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The[...]
Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends! The Weekly Static! The Weekly Static! can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The Eddie Capra Mysteries – Intro ( As I've mantra'd for the past six episodes, The Weekly Static is my righteously desperate-yet-endearing attempt at finding the lighter side and an interesting perspective on[...]
We're looking for a man with a mole on his nose. Security Officer: A mole on his nose? Maddie Hayes: A mole on his nose. Security Officer: [to Maddie] What kind of clothes? Maddie Hayes: [to David] What kind of clothes? David Addison: What kind of clothes do you suppose? Security Officer: What kind of clothes do I suppose would be[...]
Cool? Okay, back to my one-man ego stroke… So welcome back to  The Weekly Static, my humbly sincere attempt at comedy (fingers, toes, and every other available and crossable body part crossed) thinly disguised as look-back at the week that was in the land of television The goal of The Weekly Static? Why, let me lay that[...]
Happy September, people! We're entering my favorite time of the year: September, October and a wee bit of November — after that, I pretty much check out mentally for the holidays and run on auto-pilot fumes until around, say, January 3rd? Sounds about right. But you didn't come here to talk about something best left between[...]
Welcome to the first (and hopefully not last) edition of The Weekly Static, a comedic (fingers, toes and every other available and cross-able body part crossed) look-back at the week that was in the land of television The goal of The Weekly Static? Why, that's a simple three-point answer: (1) to offer commentary on roughly[...]