That's right, even the Doctor in the early 1970s was a sexist jerk who condescended to his companion all the time. You can try to retcon it in your headcanon by saying he was testing her, but all the time? No, The Third Doctor was a sexist jerk, and so were the writers at the time.
By the[...]
tom baker Archives
Tom Baker made his debut as the Fourth Doctor fifty years ago Baker played The Doctor the longest, seven years, and became the face of the series to fans worldwide, especially Americans This is significant in so many ways You could say Doctor Who wouldn't be as well-known globally if it wasn't for Tom Baker.
Tom Baker, best known for playing the Fourth Doctor in the BBC series Doctor Who has recorded a very special Christmas message for all of his fans around the world and beyond This video was produced by Cygnus Alpha Events You probably don't need to be told he played The Doctor longer than any other actor,[...]
What does that mean? Keep reading.
"Doctor Who", Jodie Whittaker in Shutdown, BBC
Former Doctor Who Actors Get to Continue Playing Their Doctors
In the old days, before the internet and especially before social media, former Doctor Who stars would regenerate out of the show (or, in the final two instances of the classic era, get fired and[...]
Madame Tussauds London has a rich history with Doctor Who, from appearing in the Third Doctor's (Jon Pertwee) first adventure, "Spearhead from Space" in 1970 to creating figures of the Doctor, beginning with the Fourth Doctor, played by Tom Baker, in 1980 Most recently, it added Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor to the attractions.
"Whovians, prepare yourselves…"[...]
From this point forward, consider the "MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!" sign officially on – and we will see you on the other side of this image spoiler buffer.
Imgaes/Screencaps: BBC
It's probably "Pyramids of Mars," a four-part story from 1975 featuring the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) and Sarah Jane Smith (Elizabeth Sladen) There, we said it[...]
There's the usual confrontation and war of wills between The Doctor and The Master that's always about finding a new layer to their relationship, or The Master (Sacha Dawan) revealing the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) is The Timeless Child from which all Time Lords took the ability to regenerate, which granted them the immortality needed to[...]
Tom Baker's fourth season as the Fourth Doctor is the next release to come to Blu-ray when Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 15 releases later this year However, it's the newly unveiled mini-episode written by Pete McTighe that is going to set off all kinds of fan speculation, like does it tie-into the "Time[...]
When shown with an image of Gatwa for a piece for Radio Times magazine, show legend Tom Baker shared, "Oh! Is this the next Doctor Who? A handsome young man! Marvelous cheekbones These things are important as you get near to death." When asked if there was anything Gatwa should know going into the official[...]
It's an interesting examination of the consistency and evolution of a character.
"Doctor Who": BBC
"Genesis of the Daleks", written by the Daleks' original creator Terry Nation, sends the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) on a mission from the Time Lords to prevent the creation of the Daleks The heart of the six-part story is the Doctor's debate[...]
In a 1983 interview with Tom Baker, as he was about to play Sherlock Holmes for the BBC in Hound Of The Baskervilles, he was asked about his time on Doctor Who He told them the companion he would have chosen for the Doctor if he'd been allowed to, saying, "A companion? Oh, I'd have[...]
Just look at the earliest departure in the video, Sarah Jane (Elizabeth Sladen) leaving and the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) barely able to look at her Scriptwriters were also a bit more haphazard about character moments, often treating them as optional or arbitrary Sylvester McCoy recently revealed in an interview that the producers weren't even[...]
It even features clips for two stories in the classic show, namely the Fifth Doctor's (Peter Davison) big Cybermen story and the Fourth Doctor's (Tom Baker) "The Ark in Space," both featuring dystopian futures, the former of petty human factions too distracted by the Cybermen threat till it's too late, and the former featuring a[...]
The Doctor begins to go through a "degeneration" that finds him face-to-face with a number of his other selves as he seeks to find an answer before it's too late.
Tom Baker and Elizabeth Sladen in Doctor Who: "Pyramids of Mars," BBC Studios Screencap
Now, we have the intel on the first episode, Robert Valentine's "Past Lives."[...]
Which time traveler could that be? Hmm… Then there's the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) explaining to Leela (Louise Jameson) how the TARDIS is bigger on the inside than the outside through a totally made-up Science Fictional theory: Dimensional Engineering It's more of a thought experiment than actual Science but hey! Still based on SCIENCE!
Let's remember[...]
Big Finish marks the 60th Anniversary of Doctor Who with a mammoth eight-part full-cast audio drama series beginning in May 2023. Doctor Who: Once and Future stars Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleston, and David Tennant, with dozens more guest casts still to be revealed.
Image: Big Finish Screencap
"There will never come a[...]
This was the Fourth Doctor's (Tom Baker) only Cybermen story in his whole six-year run It was said that the Third Doctor didn't have any Cybermen stories because star Jon Pertwee didn't like them and vetoed it Who knows if that's true but fans of shows do love their legends.
"Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermen", BBC
Even Louise Jameson, who played Leela, the warrior who was the Fourth Doctor's (Tom Baker) first companion after Sarah Jane left, had to fight to get her scripts changed Neither Tegan nor Ace ever screamed at a monster coming after them.
Still from "Doctor Who: Castrovalva", BBC
Janet Fielding had ambitions when she was cast as Tegan[...]
He returned in 1981 played by Anthony Ainley and became quite prolific through the 1980s, menacing the Fourth (Tom Baker), Fifth (Peter Davison), Sixth (Colin Baker), and Seventh (Sylvester McCoy) Doctors before the show was cancelled in 1989 Ainley was the longest-running Master, playing him with a moustache-twirling hamminess that you expected him to start tying companions to train[...]
Shortly after the supercut of "Robot" that gave us Tom Baker's debut as the Fourth Doctor on Doctor Who, we now have a half-hour supercut of "Castrovalva", Peter Davison's debut as the Fifth Doctor that took place 6 years later Sometimes the BBC is too good to us "Castrovalva" was the first story of Davison's[...]
This time, we're getting a half-hour compilation of "Robot", Tom Baker's debut story as the 4th Doctor To see it now in light of the show's return in 2005 and how far it's come throws up some surprises.
"Doctor Who" still from "Robot", BBC
The biggest surprise is how similar Tom Baker's 4th Doctor actually feels to[...]
This includes two stories in the "Key to Time" season-long arc from 1978 featuring the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) and the First Romana (Mary Tamm).
Doctor Who Target novels list, key art from BBC
The 5 new Doctor Who Target novels are as follows:
The Stones of Blood by David Fisher – An ancient stone circle becomes a[...]
She had discovered it on our local Philadelphia PBS Channel 12, beginning with the Tom Baker years And she was hooked from the moment the TARDIS sound came through the living room television's tiny speaker, brushing the hair of our by-then-drunk Mom to guarantee she would pass out and not interrupt the show And when[...]
A single Sontaran showed up again in the 4th Doctor (Tom Baker) era in "The Sontaran Experiment" doing bad things to human astronauts At the time, the show didn't have a budget for extras or crowd scenes The next time they appeared was a few years later in "The Invasion of Time" where a whole[...]
They wrote many of what have become to be regarded by fans worldwide as true classic BBC TV 'Doctor Who' stories; creating many well-remembered enemies for the time lord during the Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker years."
As the Radio Times reported, Baker had a previous career as a stonemason and worked in animation before becoming[...]
The 17th season of Doctor Who, Tom Baker's penultimate as the 4th Doctor, with Lalla Ward as Romana, is getting a Blu-Ray boxset stuffed with exclusive extras, including a new, definitive restoration and cut of the lost story "Shada" In 1979, Tom Baker's Doctor was in full flight With Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide To[...]
Doctor Who icon Tom Baker's mysterious Under Gallery Curator returns this November to aid UNIT in the upcoming Big Finish Productions audio drama release UNIT: Nemesis With Jemma Redgrave's Kate Stewart and Ingrid Oliver's Osgood returning for service, the alien-packed adventures find the UNIT team taking on the Ice Warriors and battling malevolent Time Lord the[...]
Ever wanted to see the 10th Doctor (David Tennant) team up with the 4th Doctor (Tom Baker)? A team-up between the 5th (Peter Davison), 6th (Colin Baker), and 7th Doctors (Sylvester McCoy)? Leela (Louise Jameson) and Romana (Lalla Ward) working together on Gallifrey before and during the Time War? Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) hopping between[...]
Big Finish has been producing Doctor Who audios since 1999, starring Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, David Tennant, and John Hurt Now they're kicking off 2021 by celebrating their newest audio drama producers – all of them female – and their forthcoming work on the Doctor Who and Torchwood audio[...]
And each actor played the character as a different archetype: William Hartnell played him as the last of the Edwardian patriarchs; Patrick Troughton played him as a Chaplin-esque hobo; Jon Pertwee played him as a dandyish playboy; Tom Baker played a wandering bohemian and so on The 21st Century Doctors were even more modern archetypes:[...]