Vikingard Archives

The Vikingard King Arthur Holiday Event Is Underway
NetEase Games has launched one last event into Vikingard before the end of the year, as the legend of King Arthur makes his way into the game This new event will run all the way until January 6, 2024, and with it comes a new set of challenges, activities, stories, and more for you to[...]
Vikingard Announces Third Crossover With Vikings TV Show
NetEase Games revealed this morning that Vikingard will be getting a new crossover as they will hold the third official event with the TV show Vikings The content is designed to follow up on the success of the last two events, as you'll be going through the final chapter of their storyline this month And[...]
Vikingard Launches Vikings Crossover Part 2 Today
NetEase Games has revealed the details to the latest crossover event in Vikingard, as players can experience Vikings Crossover Part II today Capitalizing on the first event that brought characters from the television series into the game, this second event will bring more characters and settings from the MGM series in for some special activities[...]
Vikingard Launches Midwinter Festival Of Yule Event
NetEase Games launched a winter event into Vikingard before they bolted for the holidays, as you can experience the Midwinter Festival Of Yule As you might suspect, this is all things holidays and winter themed as it will run until the end of January, giving you a chance to take part in some festive activities[...]
Vikingard Will Have A Special Crossover With The TV Show Vikings
NetEase Games revealed today that they will be launching a special crossover event in Vikingard with the popular TV show Vikings The content will kick off on August 23rd as you will be able to fight alongside heroes from the television series in the game, as well as be able to participate in a number[...]