Posted in: AEW, Review, Sports, TNT, TV | Tagged: aew, bleeding cool, cable, Chris Jericho, Cody Rhodes, dynamite, fight for the fallen, four horsemen, ftr, Lucha Bros, Orange Cassidy, sonny kiss, streaming, television, tv, wrestling
AEW Dynamite 7/15/20 Fight for the Fallen Part 1: The Demo God
It's Wednesday, which means its time once again for two pro wrestling companies to do battle in the Wednesday Night Wars. AEW Dynamite takes on WWE NXT to see who can score the most viewers both overall and in the 18-49 demographic. Then, fanboys on the internet argue endlessly about which is more important.
But first, some fan mail…
Why the HECK is this site covering Dancing With the Stars and Tyra Banks? Have you guys COMPLETELY lost perspective on what your readers watch????? It's already ridiculous that you're covering sitcoms, romcoms, and wrestling… but crappy elimination shows? The ineptitude of the current staff is astounding. This site is called Bleeding Cool. It's not called Irrelevant TMZ Crap. It's Bleeding Cool. What has happened to this once-good website?
First of all, does anyone own the domain Irrelevant TMZ Crap dot com? If not, I'm scooping that up. Secondly, my friend, what could be more "bleeding cool" than dancing?
Speaking of cool, it's time for another favorite of the Bleeding Cool readership. It's time to recap some wrestling!
It's the third week in a row of special themed Dynamite episodes as the Wednesday Night Ratings Wars continue to heat up. Jim Ross welcomes us to Fyter Fest 2, but unfortunately, this event is actually called Fight for the Fallen. Tony Schiavone is absent tonight because he hasn't gotten his COVID-19 test result back yet. JR explains that the tests are delayed and there's no specific reason to be concerned. Taz is sitting at the booth in place of Tony, and Excalibur is there as well.
Cody Rhodes comes out with Arn Anderson. Sonny Kiss comes out with three Jaguars Cheerleaders and they perform an elaborate booty-shaking dance routine at the top of the ramp. JR unexpectedly loves the dance. I'm pretty sure I heard him shout, "YASSS QUEEN, BAH GAWD!" at one point. Eventually, Kiss makes his way to the ring and the match starts. This one is for the TNT Championship, and Sonny should win based on the dance alone. Take that, fan mail guy!
Cody goes right after Sonny when the bell rings. After a suplex, he does some pushups. You're telling me Cody isn't a heel? He hits a springboard roundhouse kick on Sonny, sending him out of the ring. Arn Anderson tells Cody if he wants to win this match, he needs to get his head out of his ass. Both men get back in the ring and Sonny takes control. He sends Cody back outside and hits a kick on the apron. Sonny hits more kicks in the ring and goes for a handspring slap, but Cody reverses to a full nelson.
Kiss powers out and gets on offense, but misses a splitting leg drop. Cody goes for Crossroads, but Sonny reverses to a Crossroads of his own. The announcers keep pointing out that Tully Blanchard is scouting this match, presumably as part of the Four Horsemen revival storyline. Kiss hits a 450 splash but Cody kicks out. Sonny goes for a head-scissors over the ropes near the stage, but Cody blocks and sends Kiss onto the stage. He hits an Alabama Slam on the stage and rolls Sonny in for a pin attempt. Kiss gets his foot on the rope.
Aubrey Edwards had to tell Cody to get in a better position before she would count because Cody's body was under the ropes. Arn Anderson and the commentary team are really selling Cody's distracted performance. Jim Ross says all of Cody's pin attempts are lackluster. Cody argues with Aubrey Edwards, which is also out of character. Cody's behavior turns more heelish throughout the match. Cody stomps on Kiss and then pulls off the turnbuckle cover. He tries to drop Kiss on the exposed buckle, but Kiss throws Cody into it instead. Nevertheless, Cody ends up getting the pinfall off Crossroads. The camera cuts right to Tully Blanchard after Cody wins.
Cody was acting heelish and cocky all match, but after the match, he helps Sonny up off the mat and gives him a big hug. What's going on here? Possibly a Cody heel turn? A red herring to make us think it's a Cody heel turn? Who will be the new Four Horsemen?
Excalibur explains Fight for the Fallen's charity efforts and sells the Fight for the Fallen t-shirt, proceeds from which go to help COVID-19 relief in Florida. The announcers run through the card for the night. Chris Jericho will be at the commentary booth for the second hour tonight so Taz can get ready for the main event with his client, Brian Cage. Dynamite takes its first commercial break.
Lucha Bros and The Butcher and The Blade arrive in the truck they stole from FTR. Lucha Bros head to the ring and B&B wait by the truck. FTR come to the ring. It's Lucha Bros vs. FTR in what many people consider a dream match. It starts out slow and goes for just over ten minutes and through one commercial break. It's definitely not the classic people were expecting, but it's got solid storytelling. Tully Blanchard is scouting this match too, perhaps because FTR are slated for that Four Horsemen reunion. There are relatively few crazy spots, and at first it seems like the chemistry might have been a bit off between these two teams, but they work it out eventually. The match ends with a quick rollup after Dax Harwood suddenly rips off Rey Fenix's mask. Excalibur explains that FTR would have been disqualified for that in Mexico.
Butcher and Blade taunt FTR about their truck after the match. FTR egg them on as the Young Bucks sneak attack from behind and obtain the keys. They head to the ring, as does Kenny Omega carrying a cooler. Matt Jackson returns the truck keys to FTR and Kenny offers them some beers. Kenny opens one up and gets ready to toast, but FTR dump their beers on his head. FTR leaves in their truck. Hopefully, they don't get pulled over, since they must stink of beer. FTR has trouble getting the truck started. That's not a great product placement look, Ford. Dynamite goes to commercials.
Chris Jericho comes out with the Inner Circle. Jericho and Jake Hager have half-gallons of orange juice with them, which Excalibur is still having trouble quantifying. To be clear, Excalibur, they are not gallons. Jericho brags about winning his match with Orange Cassidy last week and then pivots into declaring victory in the ratings war. Twitter and Reddit are immediately abuzz with marks working themselves into a shoot. Jericho explains why the 18-49 demographic is the most important and that he's never been beaten in that demo. Jericho calls himself the demo god. Yes!
Jericho says his match with Orange Cassidy is one of his best in a long time. People have been telling him he made Orange Cassidy look like a star. Jericho isn't surprised by that. But Jericho knows what the people want. Orange Cassidy wants a remake. The network wants a remake. All the advertisers in the 18-49 demo want a rematch. And all the people want a rematch. But Jericho isn't gonna give him one.
Jericho says Cassidy had his chance. The crowd chants that Jericho is scared. Jericho says the demo god is never scared. There will never be a rematch. Jericho tells Cassidy to enjoy the fact that he got to share the ring with Jericho for one night. Jericho takes a swig of orange juice and then pours some out for Cassidy's dead career.
Orange Cassidy comes out… slowly… through the stands. The crowd chants for Cassidy, but Jericho tells them to shut up. They chant that he's scared. Jericho tells Cassidy what he really thinks of him. Cassidy doesn't have what it takes. He's lazy. He has a bad attitude. He's a sloth. He's entitled. And there will never be a rematch. Jericho tells him to take his sunglasses and shove them up his ass.
Cassidy gives Jericho a big, slow thumbs down. A ton of orange juice falls from the ceiling and drenches the Inner Circle. Jericho is livid. His jacket cost $7000. Jericho asks for a towel and gets one, but the towel has Orange Cassidy's face on it. These segments where people get stuff dumped on them are interesting to me. Are we to believe Cassidy set this up with the production crew before the show? Or does Cassidy now have the magical power to make orange juice fall from the sky? I kinda hope it's the latter. Dynamite goes to commercials.
After the break, Alex Marvez interviews Jurassic Express. Marko Stunt is still laughing about the Inner Circle getting orange juice dumped on them. Luchasaurus agrees that was funny, but the important thing is that after 50 million years, he finally has a chance to wrestle The Elite and there's nothing funny about that.
Chris Jericho joins the commentary table in place of Taz. He's still soaking wet and he's not happy that Marko Stunt called him an idiot during that interview. Excalibur hopes Jericho scotch guarded his jacket. Jericho is fuming. This is no way to treat the demo god. Excalibur shills the Orange Cassidy towel, available on AEW's online shop (but no Demo God shirt — fail, AEW Shop). Jurassic Express heads to the ring for their match against The Elite. Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks head out next. We head into the second hour off Dynamite, which means it's time to head to the second part of our report for AEW Dynamite: Fight for the Fallen.