Posted in: Sports, TV, WWE | Tagged: aew, dynamite, NXT, ratings, wednesday night wars, wrestling, wwe
AEW Dynamite Loses Ground Against NXT But Still Wins the Week
AEW Dynamite defeated WWE NXT in the ratings once again this week, but it was a close call. Though cable news subsided somewhat compared to last week's numbers, both wrestling shows did have to compete with the NBA and reality television. The Chadster is here to break down for you… he means, to break it down for you.
NXT Comes Close to Dynamite But Not Close Enough
This week's episode of AEW Dynamite scored a .29 in the 18-49 demographic with 754,000 overall viewers, enough to put Dynamite in sixth place for the night in the cable Top 150 at Showbuzz Daily. That's down from last week's .36 in the demo and 854,000 viewers, and there wasn't even a presidential inauguration taking place this week. NXT scored a .21 in 18-49 with 720,000 total viewers, a huge bump from last week's numbers, when NXT scored a .15 in 18-39 and 659,000 viewers. NXT was ranked 24th for the night this week. One key difference-maker in the ratings wars this week may have been the service outage TNT suffered on streaming services, which left viewers watching a black screen for the first quarter-hour of the show. Less determined viewers may have made the switch to NXT and some may have decided to stick with it for the night.
The Bottom Line 'Cause Chad Said So
You know what, The Chadster has really had about enough of this! *tosses a glass jar at the wall, shattering it and sending pickles scattering across the floor* Even when Dynamite wasn't on the air on most streaming cable services, NXT still couldn't pull off the ratings victory?! *Punches wall, then immediately realizes it hurts and shakes his hand in pain* The Chadster has been loyal to WWE, week after week, in this gosh dang ratings war, and all The Chadster has ever received in return is emotional pain and heartbreak. And then to top it all off, WWE is texting with Gary all night long. She's not even present, man! It's like, she's here, but she's not here. Where are you, Keighleyanne?! Where are you?! *sobs*
[Editor's note: It's become clear that Chad is feeling a little under the weather, so we've decided to give him the rest of the night off. Be sure to tune in this Sunday for Bleeding Cool's live coverage of the Royal Rumble. We're confident Chad will be fine by then, or at the very least, back to his usual self.]