Posted in: BBC, Doctor Who, TV | Tagged: bbc, chris chibnall, doctor who, jodie whittaker, monsters
Doctor Who: 13th Doctor's Monsters Spotlighted in New BBC Video
Doctor Who has always been pretty good at coming up with new monsters, and the BBC has put together a video compilation of monsters from the 13th Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) era. If nothing else, it proves that showrunner Chris Chibnall knows how to come up with decent monsters. That's a job requirement for writing and running Doctor Who.
So of course there's a Dalek variation: the Recon Dalek or, as we prefer to call it, the DIY Dalek. There's the giant spider to freak out arachnophobes everywhere. There's the Lone Cyberman, a Cyberman who has individuality and a soul – that's evil! His nihilism is one of the better villains of the Chibnall era. There's the Kablam Man robot, a pretty decent satire of Amazon and their bots as created by writer Peter Tighe, who was touted as a potential future showrunner. Flying Cyberman heads that kill people like drones. There's the Morax, plant-based aliens running amok in King James' England sowing fears to fuel witch hunts. The somewhat generic mutated future humans of a dying, polluted, Earth. The telepathic flying cloth. "Tim Shaw", the asshole alien who collects teeth. Ribbons of the Seven Stomachs is an amusing alien living between universes who just want to any anyone and anything. Nikola Tesla versus an alien scorpion queen played by Anji Mohindra who used to play Rani Chandra on The Sarah Jane Adventures. The Vajarians, an alien race of reformed assassins who now gather the memories of the soon-to-die to preserve as an act of mourning and atonement.
This video compilation inadvertently features some of the best moments from the last two series of Doctor Who. The show is best when the Doctor is fighting with monsters, the stories laced with symbolism, satire, history, and social commentary. That's the entire brief of Doctor Who. Chibnall understood that about the show as much as his predecessors did. That's what he got right during his run. The last two series of Doctor Who are now streaming in the US on HBO Max.