Posted in: Sports, TV, WWE | Tagged: Bautista vs. Trump, communism is just a red herring, coronavirus, dave bautista, donald trump, politics, val venis, wrestling, wwe
Former WWE Star Val Venis: COVID is Commie Plot to Enslave Humanity
A lot of people have criticized Bleeding Cool's deep and extensive coverage of WWE wrestler turned Hollywood megastar Dave Bautista and his ongoing Twitter feud with fellow WWE Hall-of-Famer President Donald Trump. Some say the coverage is one-sided, promoting only Big Dave's leftist viewpoints. Others question whether the world really "needs" a new article every single day about Dave Bautista's tweets. And others claim that politics shouldn't be the provenence of the pro wrestling section of an entertainment news and opinion site, even though a former wrestler is literally president of the United States right now. We can't answer all of those claims, but we can aim to be more fair and balanced in our coverage of wrestler's tweets by showcasing more tweets from the batshit-crazy right, like wrestler turned cannibis budtender Val Venis, who recently took to Twitter to advance his campaign to prove the coronavirus pandemic is a plot carried out by communist central banking cartels to enslave humanity.
And sure, we hear what you're saying. Bleeding Cool, you are surely exaggerating The Big Valboski's position here for the purpose of comedy, but let us assure you, that is exactly how Val Venis puts it. "Perfectly put together!" Venis tweeted about a pair of charts comparing communist brainwashing techniques with coronavirus safety protocols. "The communist brainwashing technique right out of the 1956 Biderman Report is checked marked on every single point. #Covid is factually a communist central banking cartels attempt to enslave the world in their plantation called PLANET EARTH! Wake up!"
Yes, sheeple. Wake up indeed. Venis continued, "Hey folks. Question. Anyone have recent cell phone video from your local hospitals? I just dont trust main stream media. Hospital near me looks totally normal."
Venis, who began his WWE career with the gimmick of a porn star who made adult videos with the sisters of his rivals and whose finishing move, called "The Money Shot," involved smashing his opponent with his penis in a dive from the top rope, recently called for the people of Canada to rise up and overthrow the country's government over pandemic safety protocols, though he hasn't yet suggested settling things inside a steel cage.