val venis Archives

Val Venis's entrance video in WWE
Hello ladies! Unless you're on Twitter, in which case: goodbye! Former WWE Superstar Val Venis has officially left the social media platform in favor of conservative outlet Gab in order to avoid Twitter asserting its Right to Censor There, Venis needn't worry about Twitter censors punishing him for things like calling for the overthrow of[...]
Val Venis's entrance video in WWE
We can't answer all of those claims, but we can aim to be more fair and balanced in our coverage of wrestler's tweets by showcasing more tweets from the batshit-crazy right, like wrestler turned cannibis budtender Val Venis, who recently took to Twitter to advance his campaign to prove the coronavirus pandemic is a plot carried[...]
Val Venis's entrance video in WWE
Hello, ladies… can we interest you in some batshit craziness? Former fake porn star and WWE wrestler Val Venis is absolutely livid on Twitter, aiming his fury at wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer because Meltzer doesn't support the conspiracy theory that widespread voter fraud cost WWE Hall-of-Famer President Donald Trump the election But Venis's disagreement with[...]