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My Hero Academia Season 7 Ep. 9 "Extras" Review: Endeavor Takes A Hit
Endeavor takes a hit - in more ways than one - in our review of Crunchyroll anime My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 9: "Extras."
Crunchyroll's My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 9: "Extras" followed the boost after Dabi's demise. A dash of hope along with some darkness. The episode feels short and mostly falls with Endeavor's unbearable guilt and mental breakdown over what he did to his family, exacerbated by All For One. And Class 1A starting to understand the burden Deku has had to face with One For All.
News of the results of Dabi and Shoto's fight brings a jolt of hope to the Heroes involved. Although class 1A knows how hard this is for Shoto. I mean, it had to be done, but that does not mean it was easy to do or without any grief— the boy was fighting his estranged brother who, thanks to All For One's meddling, became a villain. AFO's needling and their daddy issues were the combination that worked – because we all know what Endeavor did to get the family here. I feel for Shoto, which is why All Might has tears welling in his eyes. However, I have a feeling things might not be quite done, considering the glowing sparkles we see on Dabi's chest.
That said, I hope this little victory brings hope to the hearts of those involved in the fights. If Shoto was able to finish Dabi, they certainly have a shot at winning this thing. I think it is interesting to see how different some of the students are reacting to this war. You can tell who has had exposure to these situations versus those who are feeling the weight and trauma of recent events a having that slow them down or hinder them the way Pinky got distracted at the mention of Midnight's passing. I have a feeling we might jump back to this at some point, and I hope we get some revenge from those who killed her.
We then get to see the results of AFO's powers on Spinner, who has become gigantic and is looking for a way to get Kurogiri back. It turns out he is now heading a horde of heteromorphs. I wonder if we will witness a Spinner redemption at some point. I feel bad since he was just a lost boy ending with the wrong crew. That said though, it does not make up for what he has done, but I hope he ends up being more of an antihero the way Stain was.
At the Gunga site, we see Hawks and Endeavor facing AFO. Hawks knows the deal and knows the dude likes to talk. And man, did he talk… my dude seems to love the drone of his own voice. However, Endeavor dealing with the guilt of what he has done falls to AFO's words. He realized it was AFO Who took Dabi from his family, and Endeavor lost his mind in anger, compromising their wellbeing. Thankfully, Tokoyami and Jiro come to the rescue, but Jiro freezes under AFO's evil gaze and finally understands what Deku has been against All this time. And rightfully so, AFO is terrifying and it has already been established his evil aura is not easy to bear.
This little distraction is nearly mortal and ends up with Jiro getting hit and losing part of her ear. However, we can all argue the one who should not have gotten distracted was Endeavor in the first place. My man, you are the number one hero – act like it. If your son defeated his brother, you can keep your mind together for this fight. It's not like he had to battle Dabi… am I right? The world would have burned by now. I hope he is able to put his act together and bring something to this fight other than his guilt. Time to atone for your part in this, Endeavor.