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My Hero Academia Season 7 Eps. 3 & 4 Heartbreaking, Hopeful (REVIEW)

Check out our thoughts on Crunchyroll's My Hero Academia Season 7 Ep. 3: "Villain" and Ep. 4: "The Story of How We All Became Heroes."

The latest two episodes of Crunchyroll's My Hero Academia, "Villain" and "The Story of How We All Became Heroes," were yet another heartbreak on our heroes' path. We got two revelations we have been waiting for since the beginning. It was a heart-wrenching episode that once again reminded us of the losses, sacrifices, and despair the hero society is currently facing.

Shigaraki finally arrives at All For One's hidey-hole while contorting with pain. So, of course, AFO has to belittle everyone—calling Dabi out on his impatience. And, like the villain he is, exposition awaits. AFO goes on a long rant about having patience in creating many paths that could lead to his end result in case one fails. You Know that means: Hey, if we need some Deus Ex Machina-wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey excuse to get an out-of-jail-free card. That said, I just hate AFO and his narcissistic need to emotionally control people. This episode does not help, either. I do appreciate that Star was able to knock him, or rather Shigaraki, down a few pegs from God-like status.

On the other hand, Class 1A is training hard making sure they are ready for what is to come… or at least a close to ready as they can be. Let's face it: the AFO and Shigaraki powers are definitely top-notch, so we know there will be even more losses in the future. Even with the damage Star did, there tends to be an unlimited villain power source. Anyway, Class 1A is doing their best and forging ahead, having bought a few days of peace after Ochaco's heartfelt speech to get everyone to accept Deku. However, if you looked closely you would have noted two students were missing, one of them you cannot even see at all.

We realize Hagakure has been tailing Aoyama through the woods because he seemed to still be sad after Deku's return. What could keep him from smiling when his friend is finally back? Well, the truth was Aoyama is revealed to be the AFO spy we have been searching for since the beginning. It is a pretty messed up situation, though. Thankfully, Hagakure gets Deku at the right time, and after a very heartfelt exchange, we get the real background. Aoyama was born Quirkless just as Deku was, however his parents turned to AFO to grant him a Quirk to avoid him being bullied.

My Hero Academia Season 7 Eps. 3 & 4 Review:
MY HERO ACADEMIA (Image: Crunchyroll Screencap/My Hero Academia)

This is how AFO gets people to work for him, blackmailing Aoyama into helping; otherwise, his parents will die. To be honest, I want to punch his parents for putting him in this situation. I love Deku and his compassion toward his friends—he knew deep down Aoyama was good, just being forced into this. He tried to get him to take his hand and remind Aoyama he could still be a hero. However, to avoid what happened to Lady Nagant to Aoyama, he has been bound and kept from talking. Deku is certainly becoming another All Might, bringing hope to darkness. Definitely the best boi.

That said, the other reveal we get is firing the altercations before they restrain Aoyama. He does his last at Deku, and Hagakure intercepts it: for a few seconds, we get to see what she really looks like underneath her invisibility. Yay, turns out she is! Anyway, this was a very heartbreaking episode that once again shows how deranged AFO really is and I cannot wait to see him go down already. While I wish we could get an end to him this season, I have a feeling it might take a little bit longer.

Thankfully, the next episode starts exactly where things left off, and Aizawa communicates with the class via video. It seems he has come up with a plan to see where Aoyama's loyalty really lies and how to best use this to their advantage against AFO and Shigaraki. While not much happened in this episode, I think it is a crucial moment to show us how much class A has grown and yet how they remain the same team, if not much closer now: standing up next to their friends through thick and thin.

Aizawa continues being my favorite teacher though, he is very straightforward and very caring. Very different Appiah than All Might, but a very necessary balance to keep them humble and giving their best. His scene with Aoyama had me gutted, but his belief in the kid, regardless of the crime committed, was enough to bring some hope. I do hate that Aoyama was put in this position, not an excuse, but definitely a pivoting moment to make sure things are rectified and that they can redeem the kids on time.

I like to see Toshinori taking charge and leading the plans. It is nice to know All Might is brains and Braun, along with immense kindness. I cannot wait to see how they will get his plan into motion. While I am sure it will be a bloody battle, I am excited to see all the pro heroes and heroes in training come together to destroy the Paranormal Liberation Front. This season of My Hero Academia started off strong and has not let out steam since; I cannot wait to see where things will go from here.

My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 3: "Villain;" Episode 4: "The Story of How We All Became Heroes,"

My Hero Academia Season 7 Eps. 3 & 4 Review:
Review by Alejandra Bodden

The latest two episodes of My Hero Academia, "Villain" and "The Story of How We All Became Heroes," were yet another heartbreak on our heroes' path. We got two revelations we have been waiting for since the beginning. It was a heart-wrenching episode that once again reminded us of the losses, sacrifices, and despair the hero society is currently facing.

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