Posted in: Star Trek, streaming, TV | Tagged: Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Mica Burton, Michael Dorn, paramount, star trek, Star Trek Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: Picard: Dorn, Frakes & Burton on Enterprise-D Bridge Return
Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes & LeVar Burton discuss their nostalgic return to the U.S.S. Enterprise-D bridge during Star Trek: Picard.
Instead of reminiscing about their original run, the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation no doubt is bombarded with a new question, "What is it like to return to the U.S.S. Enterprise-D on 'Picard?'" At the Paramount FYC (For Your Consideration) event, cast members Michael Dorn (Captain Worf), LeVar Burton (Commodore Geordi La Forge), Jonathan Frakes (Captain William Riker), and Mica Burton (Ensign Alandra La Forge) spoke out about coming back in a featurette called "Back on the Bridge: Returning to an Iconic Set."
Star Trek: Picard Returning to the U.S.S. Enterprise-D Bridge
"I saw the episode when they revealed the bridge, and I got a little misty," Dorn told Paramount+. "To see it on the screen, and then to see us coming in there. It just brought back a lot of memories." During the interview, Frakes mugged the spotlight from his co-star in jest, "Have you finished? Can I?" "I've done my duty," Dorn responded. "It was kind of a thrill. And It was great to have all those people back. We had Michael Okuda, who designed it. Dave Blass, the production designer who hired a number of people from our past to help us reinvent the Enterprise-D brilliantly," Frakes said.
"It was like, stepping back in time, 25 years," LeVar recalled. For his daughter Mica, it was a novel experience. "And I got to see it, I never got to see it before." Season three saw the cast of TNG reunite when Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) with the help of his former first officer Riker and his former chief medical officer Admiral Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) of the Enterprise. They book passage onboard the U.S.S. Titan-A as Jean-Luc has a history with its first officer Cmdr. Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan), but keeping the nature of their mission a secret becomes a problem for the by-the-book Captain Liam Shaw (Todd Stashwick). Familiar faces start crossing as they unravel a conspiracy that goes far into the Federation. You can check out the video in the tweet below.