James Serafino sells the rights to his first comic, Time Traveling Dinosaurs, to Chronicle Books, for publication in 2028.
Posted in: Comics, Preview | Tagged: Comics, image, jason howard, robert kirkman, super dinosaur
Preview: Super Dinosaur #1 by Robert Kirkman and Jason Howard
There's a little part of my brian that looks at this and thinks "I bet Robert Kirkman saw Axe Cop and said "Yeah, that's all very well and good, but imagine what an actual adult could come up with" and, with the equally adult Jason Howard, we got Super Dinosaur.
The direct market's best selling all ages title and it hasn't even come out yet. That happens tomorrow and people (I say people, I mean Aaron and Mike from A Comic Show) are salivating. Oh and it's a new issue one from Image.
You know what happens to those don't you?

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