Kyle Starks returning to Rick And Morty for Oni Press in 2025? That's how it's looking on Kickstarteer at least...
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: bluewater, Comics, dc comics, mario gully, WTF Certified
Mario Gully, Bluewater, David Finch, Darren Davis And WTF Covers?
Mario Gully of Ant fame has drawn a cover for a new Bluewater comic, Drake. He posts the art on his Facebook, stating specifically that it's a commissioned homage by Bluewater publisher Darren Davis of a Batman piece by David Finch. Here they are together – clicky for biggy.
It's not the only inspiration Bluewater is taking from DC Comics. As well as their comics based on the cast of the Batman 60s TV show, I'm also told they may be producing WTF-style surprise gatefold covers for Missile To The Moon #2-4.
I wonder if DC Comics loves Bluewater as much as Bluewater loves DC?

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