Posted in: Games, Movies, Video Games | Tagged: entertainment, film, games, guillermo del toro, hideo kojima, Konami, pt, silent hill, Silent Hills, video games
PT Is Getting Pulled From PlayStation Network
Konami have been in a bit of a rough patch of late. The drama that surrounded Hideo Kojima's departure is still shrouded in mystery and there have been several instances of the publisher retroactively taking his name off projects he's worked on.
Here is another thing to add to the pile. One of the best things the publisher has done in a while, PT, is being pulled from the PlayStation Network. The Silent Hills teaser that was being made in conjunction with Guillermo Del Toro and Kojima has been on shaky ground since the former had his falling out with the company. This probably isn't a good sign for the game's future.
The game's website now has a notice reading:
The distribution period of "P.T. (Playable Teaser)" on PlayStation®Store will expire on Wednesday, April 29, 2015.
Who knows? This could just be an ill time end of contract for distribution. The game may have always been planned to come down on the 29th. Of course, this will add a lot of speculation on the game's future regardless.
Thanks to IGN for the heads up.