Devil May Cry 5 certainly leaves an impression. What felt like a franchise unable to come back from the brink, now feels like one with a future.
Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: activision, Bungie, Destiny, entertainment, games, video games
Destiny King's Fall Hard Mode Out Next Week
I've only just recently started making my way through Destiny's King's Fall raid. It's incredibly well designed, and a lot of fun, but the challenge is most certainly there.
Comes Tuesday, those nutters out there who want more, can make things ever harder. As revealed by Bungie, Tuesday at 10AM, The Taken King raid will be getting its official Hard Mode. This usually adds several other puzzle parts to the Raid for you to find out on top of just generally making enemies harder.
So have at it, if you and your crew are in the suggested 300-320 area. Good luck. You'll need it.

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