Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entrtainment, wondercon
A Walk Around The Wondercon Showfloor – DC, Boom, IDW, CCHQ, Voltron, Star Wars, He-Man And Turtles
By Joshua Stone with photos by Bill Watters
For the second year Wondercon was opened up early to members of the media for a press preview of the floor and a visit with six of the exhibitors for them to share with us what they had planned for Wondercon and for the future.
Ten press outlets gathered together at 9am to meet with Michelle Lew-Peterson, Social Media Manager for Comic-Con International, and David Glanzer, Marketing and PR Director for Comic-Con International. Bleeding Cool was the only media outlet present with two people, myself and Bill Watters, who had a much better camera than what my iPhone offers so all of the pictures are from him.
Mr. Glanzer started off alluding to a press conference that will happen Monday that seems like the place where the announcement for Wondercon 2017 will take place. However, that news is already out there, with a full page devoted to it in the back of the Wondercon program, back to Anaheim, but not Easter weekend, instead it will be March 31 to April 2.
From there we were led by the amazing volunteer Ryan. Out first stop was Sideshow Collectibles. At Sideshow we were greeted by Steve Zimmerman, Communication Manager, and then blown away immediately with this amazing Voltron maquette.
Measuring approximately 2 feet tall, with an 18 inch sword. This is only the prototype, but they expect very little change when the item is ready. The price isn't set yet, but they expect it to ship in June 2017, and Wondercon is the first time it is out and about for people to see with color and cat battle damage. The edition size is unknown at this point.
Also on display as first reveal was Kylo Ren premium format figure, nonposeable, and it is awesome. Sadly the light saber does not light up and at this point the mask is not removable, but it is a movie accurate fabric costume. The Sideshow exclusive is you can switch out the right hand to have a clenched fist and have a hanging lightsaber at his belt as well. It is expected out January to March 2017.
Also on display is the new life size episode Darth Vader bust, expected to be $999, expected December 2016.
Next was this amazing Sandtrooper, expected December 2016 at the earliest with price to be determined,
Next up these great He-Man, Skeletor, and Evil Lyn.
Bill also took a picture of this gorgeous Batman 66 Catwoman Premium Format Figure.
Next was a visit with IDW and Steven Scott, Public Relations Manager. Wondercon 2016 is mostly about Wynonna Earp for IDW.
Also on display was a convention exclusive cover for Locke & Key, Master Edition Volume 2; March: Book 1 Oversized Deluxe Hardcover, and more. No announcements are expected for Wondercon, with those being reserved for ECCC, and Wondercon being all about Wynonna Earp.
Next we went to the DC booth, and met Michael Shelling, Director of Publicity for Publishing, and his staff. Big for DC were displays and toys for Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad.
Another big display is the new DC Super Hero Girls merchandise, which is exclusive to Target. Shelling told me that these toys are regularly selling out in the stores.
Also big was the a life size Batsignal made out of Lego, and it lit up.
And then when we looked up in the sky, it was Superman, made of Lego with red light up eyes. Sadly not life size.
Next was off to BOOM! Studios and Mel Caylo, Marketing Manager. BOOOM! has three Wondercon exclusives, including a four part connecting cover for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, with the other covers being available at 3 other upcoming conventions. The other two exclusives are Steven Universe and the Crystal Gems #1, and Jonesy #1. Also big for IDW are two new books Joyride and Goldie Vance, the next BOOM! Box book.
Next was Comic-Con HQ, the new partnership between Lionsgate and Comic-Con International, which will be an ad free streaming service that will be aimed at the Comic-Con crowd, with a mix between live shows, recorded panels, and more. Our time at this booth really turned into an interview, so I will give a more thorough breakdown of Comic-Con HQ in another article.
Lastly was a trip to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles booth. The booth was for both the Nickelodeon show and the forthcoming Michael Bay sequel. On display were life size figures for the movie Turtles, and movie used motorcycle that I really wanted to sit on.
OK, that is your Wondercon Preview, now it's time for me to get out on the floor and enjoy the show.
For further musings from Joshua Stone you can follow him on the Twitter @1Nerdyone