Posted in: Comics, NYCC | Tagged: 2016, comic con, Comics, entertainment, new york, new york comic con, NYCC, nycc 2016, nycc16
Bleeding Cool's New York Comic Con 2016 Party List #NYCC2016 (UPDATE)
Here are a few of the parties happening around New York Comic-Con next week. Is your event not listed? Let us know at and we will amend! Consider this the first draft.
And yes, there is a lot of bowling…
Wednesday 5th
Comic Con Vixens 8pm-late. Littlefield, 622 DeGraw St
Now in its third year, burlesque diva Dangrrr Doll's ingenious geek revue promises to take striptease parodies of X-Men, Stranger Things and Game of Thrones to an even more bodacious level. This year's tassel-twirling stars include Stella Chuu, Sweetpea, Michael Karas, Nona Narcisse and more.
$25 to $65 / 250+ standing room $15.
Pre-NYCC Sejic Super Signing, 6-9pm, Escape Pod Comics 302 Main St, Huntington,
Meet creators Linda & Stjepan Sejic before NYCC starts. The Top Cow creators will be signing, sketching and telling tales to fans, friends and fanatics.
FanBros Second Annual Crossplay Cosplay Contest & Celebration 9-11:55 PM Le Poisson Rouge Gallery
For the second annual Crossplay Cosplay Contest & Celebration as part of NYCC Presents, FanBrosShow is once again expanding the boundaries of crossplay on October 5th @ Le Poisson Rouge!! Come one come all and join us for a night of cosplayers featuring gender-bends of their favorite comic book, TV, film, and anime characters! A female Dr. Reed Richards? A male Princess Peach? Finn & Rey as a woman and a man? Make it happen!! Come in your best cosplay and compete for prizes! Don't have a costume? No worries! You can still participate in our Costume Super Center Challenge where you create your costume on site! Get your tickets now at …..! Sign up for cosplayers will be held on site! For more information visit and hit us on all social media @fanbrosshow.
NYCC Kick-Off Party by Tribe of Fops, 9.30pm -midnight, Jimmy's No. 43, 43 East 7th Street
Games, Dames, & Acromobiles is returning to Brooklyn after Comic-Con. You know what that means…the nerds reign supreme for TWO WEEKS. So why not coronate ourselves a little early this year and kick off Comic-Con Eve with a fundraising revue! Take your DeLorean, your rainacorn, or your chocobo to Jimmy's No 43 for craft beer and a nerdy revue!
This show features magic, burlesque, comedy, and more as we gather to hype up your friendly neighborhood circus/theatre hybrid company, Tribe of Fops AND raffle off some sweet-ass prizes. COSTUMES ENCOURAGED! We wanna see 'em before the sweaty roiling masses of Javits Center.
Featuring the talents of: Justin Weber, Dame St. Cyr, Lauren Elizabeth, Alex Offenkrantz, Danny Klau, Andrea Jones-Rooy, Rob Williams, Ballerina Bizet. Tickets $10. Buy in advance for a half-off raffle ticket included!
Thursday 6th
NYCC 2016: Square Enix Game Demo Night! 6.30-9pm, Microsoft, 11 Times Square
Playcrafting is celebrating New York Comic Con by teaming up with Square Enix and Microsoft for the second annual special edition of our monthly Demo Night!
Join us for demos of 2 of the hottest games releases of 2016. Developers from Eidos-Montréal will be on hand to showcase "System Rift" (the first story DLC) and more of the just-releasedDeus Ex: Mankind Divided. Io Interactive will bring you the 2016's episodic Hitman too. We'll have complimentary pizza and beverages as well as game giveaways! And don't miss our epic after party, featuring indie games and an open bar. This event will fill up quickly, so RSVP today.
The first and last name of all attendees must be submitted via Eventbrite in order to gain entry to this event.
Mashfest NYCC Kickoff Party 6 PM – 2 AM, SlateNY, 54 W 21st St,
HOSTED BY Miss Gidget. MUSIC BY DJ Skyboxx, Funkdrubius, and more
GAMES: Street Fighter 5, King of Fighters XIV, Super Smash Brothers 4, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Mario Kart 8, Mortal Kombat X, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Ultra Street Fighter 4 and more!
EXTENDED HAPPY HOUR SPECIALS: $5 well drinks $6 martinis $4 & $5 beers
Must be 21+. Admission: $10 at door (discounted in advance)
Control Freak Anime Dance Music's Annual NYCC Party 8 PM – 1 AM in EDT. Open House 244 E Houston St,
Come enjoy a night of cosplay, dancing & music from & inspired by the Anime culture that we all love! We will be playing a multitude of genres such going from slow, thumping Kawaii Bass to heart-pumping Hardcore music! (Don't worry about not knowing anything that will be played; there will also be a little touch of mainstream music as well!) Bring out your best wigs, lights, and anything else you might have and get ready to truly have an experience like no other!
Tickets: $5 advanced $10 at door
Lovecraft NYC presents: NYCC After Party. Helping end NYC homelessness 8pm- midnight. Lovecraft NYC, 50 Ave
Nicky Preston Cosplay Show, Mecca Alim Art, Todd Millhouse Cartoon Art, Andrew Frank Rodriguez, Kurt KC Christenson performances, Ellen Stedfeld, Mindy Seven, Delta Major COSPLAY, Volatiletifa, SOO COLD, Maximo Edward, Romy K art, Ben Granoff, BRAINS (Webseries), alaznyarts_ , Agent Carter, Michael J. Sweeney, Miguel Velazquez, Tha Original GATA, Joelle Grosso ART, LILY MELCHER illustrations, MIKE Wilson (music video), BETA COSPLAY,
BANDS: Youth Moose 9:00, Vertigo Drift 9:30pm, Lotus Very 10:00pm, Brenyama 10:30pm, Pizza Boys 11pm,
$5 donation, 1 drink min. 21+ event
NYCC Presents Tales from the Toybox. 8pm-9.30pm Rockbar NYC
Bill Zanowitz (The Crime Fighter Inquiry, Comic Book Bears) and Chris Cummins (Den of Geek, Sci-Fi Explosion) are your hosts for this unique multimedia experience centered around action figures, games, and other toys, covering everything from the classic Mego superheroes to the current Re-Mego landscape and from the creepy terror of Hugo, Man of a Thousand Faces to the lovely ladies of Monster High
io9 and Kotaku' first ever Cosplay Ball, presented by Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. 7-10pm. Studio@17, 2 West 17th Street i
Free drinks!
Free food!
Free dancing, courtesy of DJ Cutman!
A cosplay photo booth, with photographer Anna Fischer!
A comic book corsage station, which is a station where someone will make you a corsage out of comic books! Yes, really!
And more!
There'll also be a Cosplay Contest, judged by: Master builder Jimmy Diresta! Thomas D. Petrillo, a.k.a. Extreme Costumes! Pro cosplayerD.Piddy! And photographer Anna Fisher! Prizes include an Xbox One, a Playstation 4, and more—and on top of that, the first 10 people dressed up as a Dragon Ball character will get a free copy of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!
Ringers take Manhattan 2016 -TheOneRing.Net 8– 11pm, The East Wing, 306 East 76th St
This is an entirely private venue, so you can expect all the usual music, prizes, food, drink and great company! Your ticket includes your first drink and a plentiful finger food buffet (no need to eat before you come!), plus a goody bag and two tickets into our raffle for the evening. $40
Come meet Jason David Frank, the Original Green Ranger this October! If you didn't get tickets for New York Comic Con or want to meet JDF in a private setting this is the place. You will spend 45 minutes with JDF in a private setting (15 more minutes will be used to take pictures). Bring your questions and he'll have your answers this includes a free picture and one (1) free autograph. You do not need a NYCC ticket to attend and you will be able to purchase more autographs, if needed. We will also provide an exclusive JDF postcard for all attendees. (Children 3 and older must purchase a ticket) $100
Friday 7th
Comic Con Brooklyn Defender Pub Crawl, House of Brews 51st Street from 6-7 PM, Jolly Monk from 7- 8 PM, NY Beer Company from 8- 9 PM
Join us for the Brooklyn Defender Bar Crawl on Friday, October 7 in Hell's kitchen near the New York Comic Con with three great bars.
Enjoy $5 drafts of Defender IPA and other Brooklyn favorites, free swag, and more.
Cosplay is encouraged
Your ticket includes your first Defender free. $5
With D-Piddy, Nadyasonika, Riddle, & Stella Chuu
· Our third year at Bowlmor Times Square
· Venue takeover — two floors, 90,000 square feet, 50 lanes of free bowling (first come first serve)
· Pre-Party (8-10pm) Singles Mixer, sponsored by Cuddli
· Pre-Party (8-10pm) Black Girl Nerds / Nerds of Color Meetup
· Image Comics official afterparty
· Arcade room featuring multiplayer sit-down Mario Kart and more
· Giveaways from Kid Robot, Tentacle Kitty and more (first come first serve)
· Dance floor with live dj (DJ Funk Drubius)
· Om Photobooth w/ printsPHOTOBOOTH SCHEDULE:
· 9pm: Riddle & Nadyasonika
· 10pm: Stella Chuu· Cosplay encouraged but not required
· Admission: $30 at door (discounted in advance)
· Must be 21+ with valid ID
Image Comics NYCC Afterparty 8 PM – 2 AM, Bowlmor
Image Comics, Midtown Comics and Sonicboombox are re-teaming for a special NYCC After Party to be held at Bowlmor Times Square (222 W. 44th Street). A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. Must be 21+ to attend. The fun begins at 8 p.m. – 2 a.m. in the Art Deco room (4th floor) 12 lanes of free bowling (first come, first served) Admission: $15 in advance, get tickets here.
Come join Charles Soule, Greg Rucka, Jason Latour, Wes Craig, Alex de Campi,Declan Shalvey, Amy Reeder, Tim Seeley, and more of your favorite Image creators for specialty drinks, complimentary bowling all night long, photobooth shenanigans, mingling, and enjoy a live music performance, Q&A, giveaway, and raffle from Charles Soule and his Wizard Band in celebration of the forthcoming launch of CURSE WORDS.
GBX The Electric Underground Official NYCC Party 9pm-3am. Ibiza New York, 637 W 50th St,
Special celebrity guests, music performances, and swag we'll be giving out to attendees.
It's 18+
Runs 9pm – 3am or until they kick us out
Cosplay and LEDs are encouraged! $25
Creator After Con 7-11pm. Twins Pub Inc. Corner of 9th and 34th
Join Creator After Con Network for this after-hours version of Buddy Scalera's popular Creator Connection panel. Last year during NYCC 2015, CACN brought over 50 Creators together excited about projects, connecting, and discussing their medium. CACN events provide a casual environment, a peer network, and a growing community for Creators to support each other. Hosted by J. Jacob Barker at Twins Pub Inc. (corner of 9th and 34th, 21+), same as last year. No cover charge. Sponsored by Comic Book School and Kraken Print.
Rock Comic Con followed by BATDANCE: NYCC's Official Video Dance Party 7pm – late. Littlefield Art Space, Brooklyn.
Set your con weekend on fire with this packed night of fan-centric revelry, which kicks off with geek rock performances and ends with a late night of sweaty costumed dancing. While superhero cage dancers start the party, check out bangin' sets with pop culture references galore from Kirby Krackle, H2Awesome!, Daenarys and the Targaryens and more. Then, Music Video Time Machine DJ Stephen Pitalo serves up comic book-inspired dance hits all night. $10
Shipwreck Presents: A Literary Erotic Fanfic Competition based on William Goldman's The Princess Bride, 8.30pm-10.30pm Hudson Mercantile, 500 W 36th St
See! Six respected writers debase themselves for applause and dick jokes. Marvel! As beloved characters are plucked from their worlds and made to do stuff they were never meant to do in places they were never meant to see. Pray! That you never have to sit on stage and face a crowd while someone else reads your fanfic. Enjoy! The nerdy a cappella of Choirfly. Drink! A lot, probably.
Rooster Teeth NEW YORK COMIC CON AFTER PARTY 8:30-11:30pm, Blarney Stone, 410 8th Avenue
The Unofficial New York Comic Con After-Party 2nd Annual CEG COSPLAY CRUISE 8pm doors, 9-Midnight, Circle Line Cruises – Pier 83
3 Hour Cruise Around Manhattan
**Prize for BEST COSTUME and Door Prizes**
with special guest hosts Kristen Hughey
LeeAnna Vamp, Soni Aralynn, Brit Bliss
Negative Stacey, Siryn, Cap Santiago
plus DJ Robert Lux18 years and over
NY Scifi & Fantasy's 8th Annual Comic-Con After Party – 8pm-2am Tempest Bar, 407 8th Av
Drink specials:
$1 off all drafts and we'll drinks
Specialty cocktails with convention themesPrizes:
To be announcedAdmission:
Adult Comics Panel, 7-9pm, Jefferson Market Library, 425 Avenue of the Americas
FREE ticketed event. Author Panel from 7-8pm; signing to follow
Box Brown (Andre the Giant, Tetris)
Greg Rucka (Wonder Woman, Star Wars, Batman)
Marjorie Liu (Montress, Avengers: Confidential, Astonishing X-Men)
Ryan North (Adventure Time, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl)
Moderator: Joshua Rivera, NY Magazine
Saturday, October 8th
Overwatch Cosplay Gathering 5:30 PM, Javits Center
Creator After Con 7-11pm. Twins Pub Inc. Corner of 9th and 34th
Join Creator After Con Network for this after-hours version of Buddy Scalera's popular Creator Connection panel. Last year during NYCC 2015, CACN brought over 50 Creators together excited about projects, connecting, and discussing their medium. CACN events provide a casual environment, a peer network, and a growing community for Creators to support each other. Hosted by J. Jacob Barker at Twins Pub Inc. (corner of 9th and 34th, 21+), same as last year. No cover charge. Sponsored by Comic Book School and Kraken Print.
NYCC Boozy Bowling After Party! 9 PM – 2 AM. Bowlmor Times Square,
*UNLIMITED BOWLING*ARCADE*DANCE FLOOR*CASH BAR*CONTESTS*RAFFLE*PRIZES*AND MORE! Brought to you by Perez Play & Epic Win Entertainment. Featured cosplayers YuffieBunny, Just Jen Cosplay, Negative Stacey $15 online $20 at door (if we don't sell out)
Skint! Disco Inferno Geeks OUT Dance Party, 9pm, Boots and Saddle , 100A Seventh Ave South
Gender-bent X-Men, barely-clad Thors and a whole lot of grown-up Elevens gather at this queer afterparty, at which Damien Cote will spin pop favorites late into the night. If you didn't meet your superhero soulmate on the convention floor, you've got a good chance of finding them on the dancefloor. $10
NYCC Pop Party 2016 8.30pm TBA
Location: TBA (Walking distance from Javits) – Larger space than last year $85 per sign up on this forum (Includes Dinner, non alcoholic drinks, and a trash bag (our version of a goodie bag)) Public sales will be $95 a person.Everyone will not leave empty handed. You'll leave with prizes and best of all, you'll meet a lot of new friends. It'll be a night of fun and games, so don't be stranger and don't be shy. We will supply all the prizes so bring an appetite and bring your A game.
This is geared towards Funatics on this forum so we will not be able to do a +1 this year. There will be an opportunity for public sales at a future date if you wanted to bring a significant other or friend. The community has grown and we want to ensure we get as many of them in as possible.
· With Ani-Mia, Becka Noel, Lua Suicide & Maki Roll
· Sponsored by Kid Robot, Tokidoki, & Funimation
· Limited Meet & Greet with Tokidoki's Simone Legno (9pm-10pm — get here early!)
· First 200 fans get a Tokidoki or Kid Robot blind box
· Two separate dance floors with different music/djs
· Music by Kenneth Rage, SANiTY, and more
· Snap Yourself photobooth and morePHOTOBOOTH SCHEDULE:· 10pm: Ani-Mia & Becka Noel
· 9pm: Lua Suicide & Maki Roll· Cosplay encouraged but not required
· Admission: $20 at door (discounted in advance)
· Must be 21+ with valid ID
New York Comic Con '90s party, 7pm-2am, Lucky Strike, 59 Grand St
Big Apple, Gotham City, Metropolis, The City That Never Sleeps— New York Comic Con 2016 is back in town! Join Sexy Nerds for the most Mega Epic Palooza Party of the year as we celebrate 90's Style!
COSPLAYERS: Join our celebration for a photo shoot, group shot and costume contest in celebration of all the talent at #NYCC.
Epic Dance Party [90's-Now] and Spectacular Video Game Room [90's-Now], Raffle, Door Prizes, and Nerdy Cocktails!
Put your dignity on the line in the Mario Kart 64 World Championship. Winner will be crowned World Champion with glory and 'riches'. [DRINKING ENCOURAGED] $15 Early Bird, $20 Online + Door
Let's Play Live! 8-11:30 PM, Hammerstein Ballroom
Let's Play Live comes to the Hammerstein Ballroom on October 8, 2016 as part of NYCC Presents. YouTube gaming personalities from Achievement Hunter (3.6MM+ subs), Funhaus (1MM+ subs) and Cow Chop (463K+ subs) will bring their unique rock-concert style comedy and gaming show to the big city during the height of New York Comic Con. $65
3rd Annual Fan Girl's Night Out, 7pm-Midnight, JUNIPER 237 W 35th St,
With New York Comic Con comes the best after-party there is – the third annual Fan Girls' Night Out! We're hosting all of Gotham's geeks – men, women, transgender, gender fluid and non-binary – for a night of fun and firewater with:
Amazing raffle prizes from SoulBoundNYC, Infinifan, Fandom Planet, Geekilicious, Stranger Comics, Gail Simone, Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, Her Universe, Jordan Dene, Little Petal and more!
Gift bags by FanMail Box for the first 50 guests
Custom cocktails. Private lounge. Cash bar. Photo station. And more!! Advance tickets – $15.00 | Door tickets- $25.00
Sunday, October 8th
Women in Comics Collective NYCC After Party 7:30 10PM Montasy Comics Chapter 2
The Women in Comics Collective NYC is an Artistic and Informative Initiative that began in May of 2012. It serves to educate communities about the role and merit of Women working in the Comic Book/Multimedia industries as well as highlight their artistic endeavors. The event is free but you must RSVP.
Bleeding Cool's The Show Can't End Yet Drink-Up
Houndstooth Pub, from 7pm on. Free, but bring trinutes…
GAIMOVA PRESENTS NEW YORK COMIC CON AFTER PARTY 6 HOSTED BY COSPLAYER CRISSY YUKI YUKI. 6pm-2am Radio Star Karaoke Bar. On 35th Street between 6th and 5th avenue.
GAMES: Smash Bros Wii U (Tournament) SFV Classic Games (Xbox live + PSN) BYOC:
ANIME/ANIMATED SCREENING. DANCE FLOOR + MUSIC: Music by DJ KYON. Spinning Top 40's. House, Freestyle and other genres. PRIZES + CONTESTS: Smash Bros Tournament = Win an Amazon Gift Card Cosplay Contest = $50 Cash Prize
Only $5 for guys. Ladies = Free
So… anyone going?