Gang Beasts is a multiplayer party game where players control gelatinous characters and take part in slaptstick fight sequences. It's a party game meant
Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Alec Ryder, Leaked images, mass effect, mass effect: andromeda, sara ryder
Mass Effect: Andromeda Screenshots
Twitter user Shinobi602 leaked several screenshots from Mass Effect: Andromeda. The screenshots prominently feature female protagonist Sara Ryder, her father Alec Ryder, and new Asari along with a Krogan and a Salarian. The images appear to have been released this morning. The images were originally picked up as a leak.
Andromeda is slated for release on March 21. Check out some related news about sidequests here, your romance-able companions here, and the latest cinematic trailer here.
I've reached out to Bioware for comment on the story.

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