Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: far cry, Far Cry 5, ubisoft
The "Cancel Far Cry 5" Petition Continues To Troll Everyone
Earlier this week we told you about a petition started on where a group called Gamers United have called for people to sign in support of canceling Far Cry 5. The original text reads like an ill-informed racist post you'd find on 4chan, calling out Ubisoft for putting a religious cult in Montana as the bad guys and demanding that they make Islam or "inner city gangs" the focus and setting it in Canada. Feel free to read it if you'd like.
Since then, the post has been updated with a lot of new text, essentially yelling at everyone for… well, everything. The "update" reads like an angry sixteen-year-old lashing out at the world with a list of problems, complete with grammar and spelling errors that only enforce the idea that this is either a big parody or a serious petition written by someone who doesn't understand how the gaming industry works.
Some of the topics touched upon claim that Ubisoft has since added "some black man" to the Far Cry 5 promo art since it started (they didn't, he was already there), insulted the "SJW media" without naming anyone specifically or citing stories, debunked the claim that an IGN editor wrote it, debunks being a Ubisoft employee or a White House staffer, evokes Gamergate more than once (as if that helps), and spends most of the post attacking anyone who dare say their views and the petition are bigoted, racist or promote violence.
It reads like an ignorant manifesto from someone who didn't like the game being set in America and decided to take their outrage nine steps forward. To top it off, they still haven't revealed what the end goal is to this petition. And probably won't since the owner increased the signature request to 2,500 after reaching both the 500 and 1,500 goals they previously set. Nor do they talk about what they will do if Ubisoft ignores the entire ordeal, which they probably will.
Going back to our original post about the petition—the author still seems to lack any grasp of knowledge on how game production and releases work. Far Cry 5 is eventually going to come out, regardless of how many signatures this gets. Shy of a sudden bankruptcy or being labeled the most intolerant game ever made by the ESRB, nothing is stopping Far Cry 5 from being released as-is. They may incorporate a "Day 1 Patch" to fix some minor things, but there's no way the company will pause the game after promoting it just to acquiesce to an unnamed mystery writer with bigoted views who doesn't use spellcheck.
Unless the person behind it wants to come forward with an identity to stand behind their convictions and prove that this is a serious matter to them, we're calling this what it is: A troll. So we're moving on after this post and not giving it any more attention than it already got from everyone, including us.