Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Creative Assembly, sega, total war, total war: warhammer, Total War: Warhammer II
Total War: Warhammer II Is All About The Dark Elves Today
The third of Total War: Warhammer II's four playable races to be revealed so far, the Dark Elves offer a ferocious new gameplay style. Swift to strike – and brutal to a fault – they're capable of tearing down an enemy's defences in a trice, provided they sustain their Murderous Prowess. However, a Dark Elf leader must preserve his alpha status in the eyes of his lesser generals and keep an iron grip on their loyalty, lest their self-serving, glory-seeking nature leads to copious amounts of treachery, assassination, and betrayal. Can you tell they're my favorite?
Even the noblest warrior casts a dark shadow, and so it is with the race of Elves. The High Elves may be paragons of virtue, but their closest kin represent all that is foul and depraved. Because just High Elves alone would be boring. And we tend to like our pointed metaphors a little bit more sophisticated.
Led from the obsidian wastes of Naggaroth by the Witch King Malekith and his sadistic mother Morathi, the Dark Elves are hell-bent on the humiliation and destruction of their orderly brothers, and ultimate control of the Great Vortex in Ulthuan.
Total War: Warhammer II launches on September 28th 2017 and is available for preorder now.
You can watch the Dark Elves in actuon in the video below.