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CBR Confirms Fox Fantastic Four Kids Movie With Franklin And Valeria. Or Does It?
Today, CBR ran a report stating "Fox Eyeing Franklin Richards Fantastic Four Spinoff". They note a mention in a Hollywood Reporter article that states "There are rumors that Seth Grahame-Smith is working on a Fantastic Four spinoff featuring Franklin Richards, the son of Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Girl."
CBR kindly states "It seemingly confirms a report published last month by Bleeding Cool that Fox is plotting a kids movie featuring Franklin and his younger sister Valeria, with The Thing and the Human Torch."
We did indeed run that story, and from a strong source as well. So that's very kind of them.
While there have been no denials from the kind of people closer to Fox who deny these kind of things, there have been no further confirmations.
But it is likely that our story is what THR is referring to when it talks about "rumors", even though they do not link or credit, as it was widely dispersed after our initial post. And if it was their own story, it would more likely have been a headline of its own.
So while it is in Bleeding Cool's DNA to go "nyah nyah toldja" in 72 point capital letters, on this occasion… nothing has actually changed from a month ago. Just that CBR now feel they can finally run the story because THR have seemingly said it's okay. Must have been a long month for them.
Don't you love entertainment reporting? I know I do.
Can we get THR to report our story that Ta Nehisi-Coates is being lined up to write the ongoing Captain America comic book after a run by Mark Waid and Chris Samnee for Marvel Legacy? Then CBR could report on that too…