Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: ABC, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., disney, HRL, inhumans, marvel
Report: Disney Forcing ABC To Keep Airing Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Ever since Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was first announced, the question on everyone's minds has been: when will ABC cancel it? Well, we finally have an answer: they'll never cancel it, because Disney won't let them.
Buried at the bottom of a Variety report ABC's upcoming TV prospects, and following talk about the drama between is the revelation that ABC executives wanted to cancel the show, but Disney mandated that it continue:
Earlier this year, the mandate came down from Disney for ABC to renew its other Marvel drama, "Agents of SHIELD," despite the desire by some at the network to end the series after four seasons. Having aired on Tuesdays since its inception, "SHIELD" is shifting to Friday nights this season when "Inhumans" finishes its initial eight-episode run.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. debuted with over 12 million viewers in 2013, but by the first season finale, the audience was already less than half that. Ratings have declined steadily since then, ending around 2 million viewers at the end of Season 4.
Variety's report also touched on friction between ABC and Marvel over Inhumans, which was so widely panned that it may have ruined the sweetheart IMAX deal that financed it for all other TV shows in the future.
The same level of enthusiasm does not, however, exist within many at ABC for "Inhumans." Reviews thus far have been largely negative, reflecting the sentiment inside ABC.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. returns to TV late this year or early next year, after Inhumans has warmed up its Friday night time slot. Oof, that's gonna be rough.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is regularly beat in both viewers and the 18-49 demographic by CW superhero shows like The Flash, despite airing on a real network. However, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. does reportedly do very well in the demographics of dogs whose owners left the television on while they went out because they didn't want them to feel lonely, coma patients whose doctors want to provide their patience some, but not too much, stimulation, and shoppers in one Peoria, Illinois Walmart where employees lost all the TV remotes after tuning the televisions to ABC three years ago.
Bleeding Cool doesn't know exactly how the conversation between Marvel, Disney, and ABC went in which Disney forced ABC to renew an underperforming series they wanted to cancel, but we've pieced togetherthe following dramatization:
Marvel: Mooooooooom! ABC wants to cancel our TV show!
Disney: ABC! Is this true?
ABC: But mom! The ratings are terrible.
Disney: Now that isn't very nice. Marvel, let me see your report card. *looks over report card* Oh, ah, really? An 85% drop?
Marvel: But moooom! You promised!
Disney: ABC, you have to renew your brother's show.
ABC: Aw c'mon! This is a business!
Disney: My decision is final.