Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Final Fantasay, Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, HRL, Patch 4.2, Square Enix
Details for Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood's Patch 4.2 Have Arrived
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood's second major content patch is coming sometime in late January (my personal bet is the last week of the month), but the first details have already emerged on the game's official site. We've heard about how patch 4.2 will be addressing the game's continued housing shortage, but now we've got some teasers about the new trial and dungeons to come when 4.2 goes live.
What we have so far is this: players will be returning to the newly liberated Doma to face a trial featuring one of the "four lords" named Byakko. If things follow the usual pattern for side-story trials, Byakko will hit in both hard and extreme variations when 4.2 goes live. There's also something in there about being surrounded by a ton of tiny red pandas. Oh, right, and we'll get more details on Gosetsu and Yotsuyu's lovely unplanned island vacation. It's sure to be an interesting series of main scenario quests; that's for sure.
The official story blurb for today's teasers reads:
Thanks to the Warrior of Light's heroic deeds and Raubahn's long-awaited return, Ala Mhigo continues its steady march towards recovery. Yet there is no rest for the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, for the winds of trouble are blowing from the Far East, where an unexpected spark threatens to set the kindling of chaos ablaze. Can Doma survive the brewing firestorm to welcome the light of the new day?
Legend tells of a peerless samurai who, at the behest of a king, ventured forth to drive a host of oni into the sea. Yet for all his strength, Tenzen could not do this alone, and so he turned to the Four Lords─greatest of the auspices─for assistance. Together they succeeded, and afterwards journeyed west, far from the realms of men, to live out their days in solitude. A faerie tale, perhaps…but often in such tales a kernel of truth can be found.
The full list of tweaks and additions coming in the patch based on what we know from the forums are:
- New Main Scenario and Side Quests
- New Raid Dungeon
- The Forbidden Land of Eureka
- Glamour System Updates
- The Feast PvP Updates
- Housing Updates
- New high-level trial, featuring Byakko, one of the Four Lords
- New Dungeons
- A New Duty Recorder Feature
- Updates to bard's performance actions, additional inventory through the use of a new companion storage feature, and more.
So you can take from that what you will. The new screenshots for the patch are in the gallery below. The MSQ teasers are on top, those for side quest "The Jade Stoa" are on the bottom. The patch trailer should be along shortly.