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Complete Guide To List of Names on Dick Grayson's Phone in Titans Episode 2
Andy Mangels writes for Bleeding Cool,
Viewers of TITANS episode #2, "Hawk and Dove," got not only their first look at Donna Troy on the series (in a photo on the wall of Dawn and Hank's apartment0, they also got a close look at Dick Grayson's entire list of cell phone contacts. Freeze-frames, credits, the Directors Guild of Canada website, and a close knowledge of Titans and DC continuity were helpful with putting together his contacts list… in case he loses it to the Batcloud or something.
ABOVE THE LINE – Four names appear at the top of Dick's call list, above a line, and are repeated in the main list below.
Alfred Pennyworth – The loyal butler at Wayne Manor and #1 on Dick's list
Donna Troy – The past Wonder Girl/Troia will be appearing in a future episode as played by Conor Leslie, but appeared in this episode first in a photo in Dawn and Hank's apartment.
Dawn Granger – The superheroine Dove, who appears in this episode, played by Minka Kelly.
Hank Hall – The superhero Hawk, who also appears in this episode, played by Alan Ritchson (who previously played Aquaman on Smallville).
Virginia Alves – a first assistant accountant for the Titans series
Maitland Austin-Olsen – a production staff member for the Titans series
??? Bartlett – unclear name and unknown connection
Carol??? Birmingham – unclear name and unknown connection
Bridget Clancy – the apartment building superintendent of Dick's first Bludhaven apartment, introduced in Nightwing #2 (Nov 1966)
Jeff Dawson – as "JD Dawson," an assistant editor for the Titans series
Lori Elton – a past girlfriend of Dick Grayson's from pre-Crisis continuity, first appearing in Detective Comics #450 (August 1975)
Tom Flores – a co-producer for the Titans series
Lucius Fox – Wayne Enterprises tech genius and past financial business manager, first appearing in Batman #307 (January 1979)
Dawn Granger – the second appearance on this list
Tirsa Hackshaw – an editor for the Titans series
Hank Hall – the second appearance on this list
Christiana Hooks – a co-producer for the Titans series
Brandon Hwang – an assistant editor for the Titans series
Robbie Hyne – executive producer Greg Berlanti's executive assistant
Ricardo Elliott II – a visual effects artist for the Titans series
Jennifer Judge – a post-production coordinator for the Titans series
Paris Keane – a post-production assistant for the Titans series
Bonnie Linseed – a girl mentioned by Dick Grayson in the first issue of Batman '66 Meets Green Hornet
Kent McCormick – a camera operator for the Titans series
Sara Mineo – an assistant editor according to IMDB, unknown connection to the the Titans series (though she did edit visual effects on Game of Thrones, and scenes from that series are in this episode)
Chloe Morris – a production staff member for the Titans series, and assistant to one of the Titans series showrunners
Sk Nguyen – aka "Son Kim Nguyen," a visual effects artist for the Titans series
Michael Pearson – a news photographer who sublet his apartment to Dick Grayson, first appearing in the New 52 Nightwing comic issue #19 April 2013)
Alfred Pennyworth– the second appearance on this list
Mark Reid – a production manager for the Titans series
Amy Rostollian – unknown connection
Adrian Sheepers – a production coordinator for the Titans series
Randall Smith – a post production supervisor for the Titans series
Tony Solomons – an editor for the Titans series
Brendan Steacy – a cinematographer for the Titans series
Camille Verschooris – an assistant production manager for the Titans series
Bruce Wayne – A billionaire who took in orphaned Dick Grayson, also known sometimes as "Matches Malone"
Brian Wessel – an editor for the Titans series
Jenna Woolf – a production staff member for the Titans series