Posted in: Comics, IDW, Review | Tagged: punk's not dead, punk's not dead: london calling
Killer Flashback Sets the Stage for 'Punks Not Dead: London Calling' #3
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There's a pretty wicked turn of events in Punks Not Dead: London Calling #3, where Dorothy Culpepper, former mod super-spy and current elderly asskicker for the Department of Extra-Usual Affairs- comes across the badly beaten form of Julie Ferguson, mother of series protagonist Feargal "Fergie" Ferguson.
The Punks Not Dead killer paid Julie a visit, and she's in pretty bad shape when Dorothy and her assistant, Asif, show up. They apprehend the would be killer, and then we're treated to a flashback to 2002, when Dorothy first encountered Julie.
At the time, Dorothy was looking for something, anything, to give her boss to prove the relevance of her department. Coming across the demon Beleth, she decides to join a priest in driving the demon back to hell.
Beleth, by the way, is Fergie's father.
While Fergie and Sid (yes, that Sid) are the main characters of Punks Not Dead, Dorothy Culpepper is the most fun to follow. She's crass, indifferent, and gets the job done. Her flashback segments showing her in the '60s in the last Punks Not Dead series were an absolute blast, and in London Calling she's just as much fun.
David Barnett writes with a quick, energetic with that permeates every page- his characters might as well be real people, warts and all.
The book once again comes to vivid life with Martin Simmonds' art, which has a crisp, neon clarity to it that's nothing like anything else in comics right now- it's hard to compare Simmonds' work to anything else, since there really isn't anything in comics like it.
Dee Cunniffe is literally the only person I have ever seen in comics credited for color flatting, but the color in this book is outstanding, and must have been a ton of work to bring to print!
I also love getting the chance to give a shout-out to a book that goes longer than most- Punks Not Dead: London Calling has 36 vibrant, living, breathing story packed between its covers, and that's pretty cool. You definitely get your money's worth with this title!
Issue #3 also concludes with an appearance of another icon from punk rock history, and I can't wait to see how the latest arrival gets along with the ghost of Sid Vicious!
SUMMARY:Words: David Barnett; Art: Martin Simmonds; Flatting: Dee Cunniffe; Letters: Aditya Bidikar; Editor: Shelly Bond; Publisher: IDW Publishing/ Black Crown; Release Date: April 24, 2019; Cover Price: $3.99; 36 pages