Posted in: Comics, DC Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: 5g, Captain Boomerang, captain boomerang jr, Comics, dc, dc comics, first 5g rumours, flash, The 5G Files
Will Captain Boomerang's Kid Replace Barry Allen (and Wally West) as the Flash For DC Comics' 5G (UPDATE)
Bleeding Cool was the first to break the news that 5G existed, and then in the light of the DC Nation Panel, what it was. The Fifth Generation of DC Comics storytelling and one that will see a number of major DC Comics characters relinquish their roles and their superhero name picked up by someone else – and not necessarily the legacy character that one may have expected.
Bleeding Cool has told you that Luke Fox, Batwing, will be the new Batman. That Jonathan Kent will be the new Superman. And other media sources have been backing up our reports. Even Comics Beat linked to Bleeding Cool which is nothing short of a miracle.
We just ran the news that the new Green Lantern may well be the star of the new series, Far Sector. We had previously reported this would be Teen Lantern, but just as Luke Fox being the new Batman was in flux, so was the new Green Lantern.
Which may also be why we have only found out just who the new Flash might be. And that it's a child of the Flash villain, and star of the Suicide Squad series, Captain Boomerang.
We have met the Captain's kids before. At least one of them, Captain Boomerang Jr. Owen Mercer. first appearance Identity Crisis #3, first appearance as Captain Boomerang Jr in Identity Crisis #6.
Inheriting his father's ability to throw boomerangs in a deadly fashion, he also has powers of super-speed which make his weapons unstoppable.
At the beginning of that 2004 Identity Crisis storyline, "Digger" Harkness, aka Captain Boomerang, found himself an obsolete villain in the modern world of supervillains. Regularly going up to the supervillain satellite looking for jobs, asking favours from the Calculator, he was at the end of his rope looking for a job to put him on the map again. During this time he felt it was finally time to reach out to the son he never raised, Owen Mercer. Before Harkness's death, the two bonded. Taking up his father's legacy, he became the second Captain Boomerang. Captain Cold, brother to Golden Glider (who was believed to be Owen's mother), took Owen in as one of the Rogues. It was later revealed that Meloni Thawne was the mother of Owen Harkness, formerly Owen Mercer, the new Captain Boomerang, having conceived him by the original Boomerang while he was trapped in the 30th Century. Making him half-brother to Bart Allen.
During the 52 series, Owen was part of a Suicide Squad sent by Amanda Waller to attack Black Adam. In the 2006 One Year Later storyline, Owen finds himself placed in the metahuman prison known as Iron Heights. There he finds himself being the cellmate of Black Lightning, who was arrested for a murder that Deathstroke the Terminator committed. He would later join the Outsiders team, and developed a close friendship with Supergirl, later exploited by Cassandra Cain, before rejoining the Suicide Squad. He was then killed by the revived corpse of his own father in Blackest Night. He has not been seen since the New 52 reboot, though his father, Captain Boomerang, has.
UPDATE: I missed Suicide Squad #47, apologies and thanks to JJBSpurs1305 on Reddit for picking me up on it. Owen did appear… but not in a superpowered role.
Which was quite a revelation to Captain Boomerang himself.
Looks like ma return- and with a much higher profile. How he becomes the new Flash? That we are all waiting to discover… certainly he may be as reckless as the early days of Wally West…
That's if it's not a completely different kid entirely. Which it totally could be. Does Captain Boomerang have another kid? What about a daughter? Let's all keep a look out.