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Getting Our Second Breakfasts to See Onward For #OnwardDay
It was probably the shot early on in Onward, the new Pixar movie about a suburban family of elves (and a centaur step dad figure) in a fantasy land that has moved on from magic, that did it for me.. A fast food chain store dubbed Burgershire with the sign 'Now Serving Second Breakfast' that took me right back to reading The Hobbit, aged 8. And knew, seeing the movie this morning that I would have questions from my kids sitting beside me. And I did. Why was the cop a centaur, what were the gaming cards all about, can I be a wizard, and of course, when are you going to die? Well, it wouldn't be a Disney kids movie without some sort of parental loss, and in Onward it underlines the whole movie, the quest and the relationship with the two brothers and their mother – with the quest as misdirection for what has really been going on in their lives.
So, yes, the jokes about Magic The Gathering, Dungeons And Dragons and the commercialisation of magic into something that has lost its, well, you know, does it's best to distract from the very human stories amongst the elves, pixies and trolls (who operate the toll bridge, of course they do). But what this means is that this movie not only throws up references for every fantasy fan to enjoy, it also throws up intrigue for those who don't have that knowledge. It has real legs – and not just the resurrected bottom half of their father. Who can still do dad dancing from beyond the grave…
it maybe that the cutesy cartoon style that has been a familiar go-to for Pixar fought against this film more than most, but hey, Coco managed. And I can't deny the tears in the corners of my eye, in that final 'mountaintop' scene as the film swerved ever so nicely to deny one of the endings it had been building up to, and give us another instead.
Oh yes, and Disney has dubbed this February 29th Leap Day as Onward Day with advance screenings all over the place, ahead of general release next week. Maybe, if you get your skates on, you can go on a quest to see it today as well. Though you may not get all that we had on over at the Picturehouse Central in Piccadilly this morning… second breakfasts all