Rich Johnston Archives

Remembering Dwayne McDuffie
Itwas never Watchmen or Dark Knight that opened up the possibility of superhero comics for me, but Dwayne McDuffie's Damage Control, the Marvel series
Marvel Comics Hit The Android
Graphic.Ly has been a bit squeezed of late. ComiXology created the Marvel and DC Apps and getting all sorts of exclusive content, while iVerse signs up
Did Scotland Invent The Comic Book?
An upcoming BBC Scotland documentary Scotland's Amazing Comic Book Heroes by AKA Comics shop owner John McShane makes the claim regarding the publication
India Ink: Comic Con India In Pictures
Bleeding Cool's Mayank Khurana has been on the floor of Comic Con India (okay, the ground, then), camera at hand, catching the cosplay and the commerce on
DC Direct Vs Mass Effect 2
There seems to have been a bit of a ding dong between DC Direct, the toy/statue manufacturer part of DC Entertainment, and Bioware, develpers of the Mass
Swipe File: Big Shots Vs Big Guns
Marvel's promotion for a series of less-than-A-list characters getting a relaunch in 2011, using gunsight imagery... Marvel's promotion for a series of