Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Venom | Tagged: 2017, all-new wolverine, Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows, black panther, Captain America: Steve Rogers, Champions, clayton crain, Dave Johnson, Dave Williams, david lopez, david marquez, deadpool, doctor strange, dustin weaver, Elizabeth Torque, Emmanuela Lupacchino, Francesco Mattina, Gamora, ghost rider, Gustavo Duarte, hulk, humberto ramos, Inhumans Prime, Invincible Iron Man, Kate Leth, Kingpin, kris anka, man thing, march, marvel, Mike Choi, mike deodato, Occupy Avengers, old man logan, Paolo Siquera, rick leonardi, rob guillory, Ryan Stegman, Second batch are Amazing Spider-Man, sophie campbell, spider-gwen, Spider-Man/Deadpool, Stephanie Hans, Tess Fowler, thanos, The Mighty Captain Marvel, The Unbelievable Gwenpool, Tom Raney, totally awesome hulk, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Venom Variant Month, X-Men: Prime, Yasmine Putri
[Updated] 12 Images From Marvel's Venom Variant Month March 2017
Marvel released four of their Venom variants for their "Venom Variant Month" in March 2017 to CBR, quickly then distributing the images over a few sites and which we've collected here.
Well you didn't see that when I published it yesterday (01:00 today my time!), because (like the total newbie that I am) I didn't publish it properly. Luckily I have new news! There's 11 more covers, and we now know that both Hans and Crain are in the lead with 2 covers a piece. I've secreted the new ones in to the gallery now for you to enjoy … and I'm still leaving the lovely surprise at the bottom.
The creators on each cover are Invincible Iron Man #5 by Rick Leonardi, X-Men: Prime #1 by Kris Anka, Kingpin #2 by Clayton Crain, Doctor Strange #18 by Tess Fowler, All-New Wolverine #18 by Francesco Mattina, Black Panther #12 by Elizabeth Torque, Captain America: Steve Rogers #13 by Tom Raney, Deadpool #28 by David Lopez, Ghost Rider #5 by Dustin Weaver, Totally Awesome Hulk #17 by Mike Choi, Thanos #5 by Rob Guillory, and Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #18 by Kate Leth.
Second batch are Amazing Spider-Man #25 by Dave Johnson, Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #5 by Humberto Ramos, Champions #6 by Mike Deodato, Gamora #4 by Stephanie Hans, Hulk #4 by Emmanuela Lupacchino, Inhumans Prime #1 by Ryan Stegman, Man-Thing #1 by Stephanie Hans, The Mighty Captain Marvel #3 by Clayton Crain, Old Man Logan #19 by Gustavo Duarte, Spider-Gwen #18 by Sophie Campbell, and The Unbelievable Gwenpool #13 by Yasmine Putri.
We're still missing (but I'm searching) for Avengers #5 by David Marquez, Occupy Avengers #5 by Paolo Siquera, and Spider-Man/Deadpool #15 by Dave Williams.
This whole thing has a familiar ring to it, no?
Yep! Back at the beginning of 2012 they ran a similar promotion, here's that MJ to say bye-bye: