Posted in: Comics | Tagged: buffy, Comics, convergence, dc, entertainment, image, Lumberjanes, marvel, trees
36 Thoughts About 35 Of Today's Comics – From Trees To Lumberjanes
Lumberjanes #14 goes the full Frozen!
But Winterworld Frozen Fleet #1 asks the questions no one else will. Especially in such icey climes.
Look, Starlord, Kitty Pryde has already said yes. Right now you're just sounding needy, constantly craving this kind of assurance. Stop asking, or maybe you'll get a "no" out of pure frustration from Kitty to say something different. Talking something different in Guardians Of The Galaxy…
Wolverines brings out the Mix Tape. I think Marvel is single handedly responsible for the revival in cassette sales now.
Loki, back in his male form for a little, and getting maler by the second. By the way, it can be done…
Does kinda stymie the secret identity though.
There I was thinking Kaptara was a gay, cowardly version of Flash Gordon. Silly me. It's He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe, isn't it?
Skullthor, how couldn't I have seen that..
Star Wars seems to stray into Empire territory, with Han and Leia foreshadowing a very dsimilar conversation to come, as Leia does an impression of Kristen Schaal…
It's not easy being Xander either.
In Convergence: Flash, we get a look at the future death of the pre-Crisis Barry Allen… though one he doesn't know yet. Spooky? More to come…
Hexed #10 raises the necessity of sacrifice. And possibly playing with the paint set outside so you don't mess on the carpet.
And Convergence: Adventures Of Superman also talks about sacrifice as Pre-Crisis Supergirl gets an inking of her own future. Basically, today, everyone gets to see their own deaths.
Where in Convergence: Batman And The Outsiders, we get to see OMAC's bare bottom, flouting Bleeding Cool decency guidelines, incurring a purple oblong of shame. Whatever happened to that all-ages friendly approach?
In Convergence: Green Lantern Corps, Guy Gardner finally gets his own one-punch.
While Letter 44 #16 manages to knock the gun out of the punched mouth…
While in Convergence: Legion Of Superheroes, Gardner gets his one infection instead.
While Convergence: Hawkman just gives them what they want. Or, rather, what they wanted in about 1958.
Vicky Vale asks the kind of question that would merit a thump to the face from any spouse. Sue Dibney is rather restrained in this example from Convergence: Justice League Of America don't you think?
While Wonder Woman has a different problem with her… lesser half in Convergence: Wonder Woman. Even when he's dead, she can't get rid of that lump…
Not everyone comes back from the dead in the same way – or at all, from UFOlogy #2
Nightwing and Donna Troy get down to some serious unscrewing in Convergence: Teen Titans.
Fade Out goes looking for writers. Though from a time when the comic books were way down the pecking order from the strips…
Valhalla Mad is basically what if The Truth + The Divine had been written by Jamie Boardman.
Trees #9 brings Googlebuses to the streets of London. Robotransport that has its limitations, but you'll never have to wait for a driver to change, in the rain. So I welcome out new public transport overlords.
Satellite Sam does have a way with words – and a reminder of the flammability of film. Note its presence, just sitting there, a conflagration waiting to happen, without voice, without action, it is the potential of much holding the gaze on panel…
While Swamp Thing's ability to create sex tubers has other uses when fighting off vampires. Proper vampires, not those underwater aerobic ones…
Tithe #2 shows a very different understanding of intra-marital internet use. If this was the case, it would probably involve the big shop at the weekend…
No one is going to bring up Jewish law regarding tattoos are they? He might as well have bacon designs, in Oh Killstrike #1.
Either that, or she could mix stupid urban legends with what we've always suspected, in Peanuts #28.
When monsters get cold turkey in Kaijumax #2, it never goes well.
X-Files #24 heads to Cuba with forged documents in what could be as big an international incident as Bad Boys II somehow wasn't. Guantanamo anyone Talking of which….
Transformers #40 spills the beans.
Jem & The Holograms #3 finally works out the tendency of tabloid journalism always getting the bad side. But there has to be bad side to bgin with…
Insufferable encounters human resources delegation.
Dirk Gently announces himself, the title of the comic, book, radio and TV series all in one. Also the frst time he ever has…
Not the only one making such an entrance today.
Donald Duck does it too. Seriously, can no one walk into a place of business or premises without announcing themselves in such a manner?
So… what did you pick up today?
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. Currently holding an exhibit of the work of Declan Shalvey. And where, on Saturday, James Eatock will be signing Dark Horse Comics' The Art of He-Man along with all-new issues of Cereal Geek.