Posted in: Comics | Tagged: alex de campi, graphic novel, pitch, ro stein, ted brandt
A Pitch Perfect by Alex De Campi, Ted Brandt and Ro Stein
Over the weekend, Ted Brandt of Princeless, Captain Marvel, Captain America and Crowded tweeted "I'm so excited. Tonight we're gonna have a proper chat with @adampknave about the first steps of making a pitch we've been talking about for YEARS". That would be Adam Knave, editor, and writer.
That was followed by former Bleeding Cool columnist, director, and writer of Smoke, Valentine, No Mercy, Archie Vs Predator, Bad Girls, MADI, and Grindhouse Alex De Campi writing "I shouldn't be posting pages from a pitch that hasn't gone out to publishers yet but I audibly GASPED when @ten_bandits (Ted Brandt) and @RoStein404 sent the final of this spread from our middle-grade project! Look how gorgeous! Wish us luck."
I'm not sure if she should but we are glad she did. There was very little else to share but De Campi was drawn to talk about the cat. "His name is Alphonse and when he first appears my note to Ro was just "this is a cat in a sweater vest and we need readers to immediately be willing to die for him""
And as praise for the pic came in, Ro Stein colourist on Crowded, Captain America, Unstoppable Wasp, and more added "thanks to everyone for all the compliments on this! Really hope it gets picked up so we can do more of it!"
Recent years have seen a massive boom in kids, middle-grade and YA graphic novels in bookstores, book fairs, and libraries, to the extent that Scholastic has a 40% marketshare of the North American comic book market right now, and Random House, HRH, and more and creating graphic novel imprints for younger readers, and sales for the bestsellers are hitting five million. So you can see why some comic book creators more associated with direct market comic book store titles, might be looking into other markets to see if there's any scope going… especially when they look as pretty as this.