Walt Disney World Resort is opening back up. Are you planning on visiting the parks when they reopen? These park essentials are for you!
Posted in: Barzinga, Comics | Tagged: Baltimore Lauren, Barzinga, c2e2, HRL, Mage, matt wagner, Rich Henn
Barzinga: The Lost Episode With Matt Wagner At C2E2
Back at C2E2, Rich Henn and I got to interview Mage creator Matt Wagner. With Mage: The Hero Denied out now at comic shops, it seems only appropriate to finally get this episode up for the world.
Rich and Wagner are actually friends, so I let Rich take over the interview this time. Wagner is a wonderful guy and a ton of fun to talk too. If you see him at an upcoming con, be sure to say hi! And stay tuned for more Barzinga goodness coming to you this week.

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